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初一英语作文:This is My family

2019-12-14 13:45:01

初一英语作文:This is My family

Look at the photo of my family. My name is Sun Bingxing. I’m a student. I’m in Class2, Grade1. I like sports very much. I think I play basketball very well. I’m in the basketball team. This is my grandfather. He is 73 years old. He likes smoking. This is my grandmother. She is 72 years old. She likes watching TV. They are my grandparents. They are very nice. This is my father. He likes smoking, too. But I don’t like smoking. This is my mother. She likes dancing. They are my parents. And I have an uncle. He is 30 years old. He isn’t very rich. He is a worker. I don’t have an aunt. Is the girl my sister? Yes, she is. She isn’t a student. She is a teacher. This is my family. I love my family very much.



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