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Hard life is good for children_艰苦的生活对孩子有益高中英语作文200字

2019-12-14 14:15:01

Hard life is good for children_艰苦的生活对孩子有益高中英语作文200字

Nowadays, quite a lot of parents are in dilemma. On one hand, they want their children to have a comfortable life and good studying environment. On the other hand, they are afraid that children will be spoiled. And then they will lack of good personality. What is most serious is that they good for nothing in the future.

In my opinion, hard life is good for children. The reasons are as follows. Firstly, children will study hard if they have a hard life. It is important for them to know hardship through their lives. Secondly, they will know it is very difficult for parents to earn money. Therefore, they won’t spend too much money at will. At last, they can become more independent and stand on their feet from hardship.

Although our lives become better and better, it is not the reason for children to become lazier.

Parents should make children do housework at home. Encouraging children to be a volunteer if they have chance on holiday. And they will know the real hard when they see some children in poor country.




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