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初三英语作文600字:Making Net Pals

2019-12-29 22:00:01

初三英语作文600字:The Advantages and The Disadvantages of Making Net Pals

Internet is more and more important for us. Many middle school students like to make friends on the Internet now. Sometimes they want to meet their net friends. But many parents say that we are too young to protect ourselves at all. They don’t think we should make fiends on the Internet. In my opinion, I don’t think it’s too bad for us.

First, if you meet a good friend, you are lucky. You can meet in a public place. It doesn’t matter. But you mustn’t believer him or her too much or meet him or her alone.

I think making friends on the Internet is OK. But we should be careful enough, because we’re living in a real world and the Internet isn’t a real world.



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