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Paradise Lost_失乐园读后感600字

2019-12-29 19:00:02

"Paradise Lost" reading, the epic time and space intertwined, the heavens and the demon of the spirit of the soul of the spirit, the tragedy of human degeneration and salvation together to produce a strange reading experience. Compared to Satan's natural anti - bone and revolutionary feat, I am more curious about the state of human ancestor Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and think about the problems that have never been noticed before - what is the ideal state of life?

Black's strong consciousness of apocalypse, the talent of the artist and the rich experience of life made his poetry have obvious prophecy, religious, philosophical and artistic features. He has made great contributions to English poetry. His poems are characterized by mystery, religion and symbolism. With his own unique image, he left us the most important eighteenth Century poetry collection "the marriage of heaven and hell" and "the song of innocence and experience". If the former is to be seen after the marriage, the latter is more of the students' New Year's new year's new year's reading, or the golden and luminous toys of the Santa Claus. . Black built the top layer of our magnificent and solemn churches in the world, where the motto of ideal and reality glitters and reminds us of the cleanliness and solemnity of the virgin. He ignored the traditional religion that imprisoned the mind. In the marriage between heaven and hell, he predicted that the combination of heaven and hell would become the ideal world. Therefore, he praises the vigorous beauty of the body and the Satan who praises his power. He believes that "force is the only life, from the body, and reason is the boundary of force or foreign country." Power is the everlasting joy. " This is nothing less than a revolution in the realm of spiritual values, and his poetry is the Bible of spiritual revolution. He, the author who saw God and angels, has become a prophet of modern spirit. The image of the tiger, which burns in the forest of night, is the image of his spirit as the crystallization of power and beauty.

When you read Adam and Eve living innocent hours in the garden of Eden, you will feel that this happiness is too perfect to believe. God gave them all, work as if only to kill time, they have no wisdom, like a white paper, Adam can see the angels outside the world to see them, and Eve's world is only Adam. This is probably why snakes choose Eve because they are ignorant, so their desire for knowledge is strongest, so they are particularly tempted. In fact, God had a big game of chess. If he did not want Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of wisdom, he could not plant this tree when he set up the garden of Eden. He could also come out in time to stop the devil's trick, but he did not. His intention is to let man taste the feeling of being full of food and clothing, and then expel it to the world, and recover happiness after suffering.

So when I look at Paradise Lost, it is shocking that Satan is no longer slender. It is a rebellious force of deep, massive terror and hatred. The reason why Milton rebel against heaven is only so far: Pride and ambition. Pride and ambition conceals too much content. Christ's humility, Christ's guilt, Christ's light feather. The gap between the creator and the creation is absolute, and even the harshest hierarchy can not be compared to the distance, it can be absolutely palpitate to any creature that tries to think about it.




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