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I love the snow in winter_我爱冬雪作文600字

2019-12-30 19:15:01

A season is snow, there is a season of snow, there is a season of peace and harmony, it is winter. With the fall of the winter, the winter is coming.

People are wearing thick overcoats, and few pedestrians on the road, instead of their dead yellow leaves. The little tree swayed in the cold wind like a weak girl, as if it were inadvertently falling down. Snow durian fell down in the air, the snow is falling like angel wings wings.

The snow slid slowly down from the air, and did not seem to want to leave the beautiful sky. It flies in the air like a white butterfly. It is not summer wind fierce, no spring willow in the air Zhang Yang. He just fluttered down in silence and landed on the ground. They hit the house, dyed the branches, dyed white flowers like a magician, dyed white children's hair, and even bleached the whole earth.

Feather like snowflakes drifting profusely and disorderly. Fall from the sky, for the colorful world, to add a snow white for the red dust. The misty sky is very mysterious. It seems within reach, but zhichitianya. In this boundless snowflake, everything looks smaller, like the willow in front of that door, standing beside the path, covering the shade of the lower eaves.

Whenever this time, I will not want to stand in the snow, they look very pretty and charming figure. Enjoy their light dance steps and listen to the breathing of their sleeping land. They are pure envoys, with their tiny body to cover the busy, cover up the Chen miscellaneous. They stop eating cooked food. The world is drunk and drunk in white. They are all fallen, with cold feelings that people lament, flourishing, everything is snow.

I see from the window of the large snowflakes outside under the snow, like a dandelion fluttering in the sky. The snow on the roof like a white scarf; the snow fell in the tree like decorated with silver flowers; the snow fell on the car like a loaf of bread, the whole world a world of ice and snow, a vast expanse of whiteness, see this beautiful scene, I and Yuqing never tempted excitement, unable to restrain the emotions at go downstairs. The downstairs is even more beautiful. The grass is shivering with cold. The flowers can not bear the pressure of the snow, and only the trees still stand there in the distance.

The road on both sides of the trees while bare, but the snow uncle decoration hung hairy, sparkling silver, a graceful girl, flower beds are the workers removed, replaced by a blossoming defying cold snow flower". Look, the stairs on the bridge do not know who has been laid on a layer of rugs and stepped on the soft. Only the evergreen pines and cypresses, still verdant, like a woman in a green border guards, they are not afraid of hard, not afraid of the cold, don't like is that tall and straight pine?




我的青春旋律作文 光盘行动英语作文 花谢香犹在作文素材 今年高考四川作文 总有属于我的春天作文 未来的笔的作文 作文范本 介绍九寨沟英语作文 秋天的记忆作文600字 角落里的爱作文 什么给了我什么作文 可爱的他作文 爱的体验作文 小学生美食作文 高考作文事例 中考满分作文感恩篇 写植物园的作文 沙滩作文300字 写物作文800字 西安之行作文 改正缺点作文 写自己爱好的作文 三年级作文70字 被遗忘的时光作文 关于时尚的作文 化干戈为玉帛作文 关于梦想的作文300 关于运动会的作文300字 勇气作文开头 作文大全动物