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Monster University_怪兽大学英语观后感700字

2020-01-01 06:00:01

The beginning of the movie: a bus stop in front of a building, a grotesque monster rushed down and fall over each other, the door closed, door glass out of a green claws, they immediately put this small monster monster teacher hold down, the green body, the middle of the body only a big eyes, small mouth teeth with an iron bar, duck feet like an eye, looks very cute, he is popeyes. Monsters ignored the little monster, even too lazy, directly toward the building, introduced by the teacher, this is a screaming building, collecting all the screaming monster world energy in the monster abnormal terror of this job, their work is in the human world, frightened man child. Make them scream, they scream energy collection. But the monsters are generally not allowed to enter the workspace, because human children are poisonous. When a team of squeaks came to do their work, big eyed boy came to the world of screaming with the curiosity of the screaming man. After that, he found that the big eyed boy came in. Instead of criticizing him, he encouraged him to go to the monster University and become a scream. A few years later, the big eyed boy was admitted to the University of monsters easily, but because it was in contradiction with the wool monster. Eventually, there was a fight. The screaming energy destroyed by the headmaster was destroyed, and he was driven out of the horror course. Big eyes do not die, and the principal is betting, as long as he won the championship in the new competition, he rejoined the horror course. He invited long haired monsters and some disdained monsters to make up a team. In the next game, the big eyes were very good, but they were insulted by other monsters. In the final, the grand eye won the championship with a full score over the other monsters. But later, it was found that the success of the competition was that the monster was cheating on it. Because of the cheating, they were chased out of the school by the principal. They eventually didn't realize their desire. He and the long haired monster chose to work as a staff member in the terrorist building, do a variety of things, sweep the floor, send letters... I'm so busy every day.

PoPeyes and Furries in power company has proudly performance, are in the University expelled students, but people still worship them, thank them for making monster world contribution.The success of PoPeyes and gross blame, and all of the winners is step by step to come, "the end" monsters university but also incidentally combed the PoPeyes and sully's occupation career, from the mail clerk to the cleaners, canteen staff, assistant gatherers, and finally become frightened, into the the top of the occupation career.

In the movie, the friendship between Mao Mao and big eyed boy is also very moving. They started from tit for tat at the beginning, and finally walked together to become good friends. They help each other, unite and cooperate together, and work together to realize their dreams. This process is amazing. Many people don't understand from the beginning. We often need to go together to cooperate to see each other's light, so that we can truly accept each other.




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