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An easy but difficult choice_一个简单而又艰难的选择英语作文

2020-01-04 02:15:01

Along with the rapid step of science development, men have got more and more achievements. Especially in biological field, scientists are creating miracles every minute. In recent years, they are decoded the gene code of human being. People all over the world are astonished and excited. However, at the same time, it evokes many things which we should and must think carefully.

What s gene? I think we should know sometimes about DNA first. DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic nucleic acid. It s the most important heredity substance in our bodies, which almost decides all the shape and properties. On it are there thousands of genes arranged in sequence. Each of them carries a genetic message that decides your appearance, intelligence or any other character. So there s no doubt that decoding the gene code will do an great effect on us and has a profound and far-reaching meaning.

This scientific fruit would absolutely bring some advantages. If it was in use, agriculture would benefit from it a lot. The output of crop would increase. They could resist all kinds of diseases and have a strong ability of disaster-proteeting. Animals may be safe because scientists can continue a plant by genetic optimization or cloning when it is in danger. For humans, it will contribute to medicine. Hereditary diseases reduces a lot. Many incurable diseases can be treated. We will enjoy our lives without pain.

Thus we live longer naturally. Then the population of the earth increases rapidly. This would cause the danger of resource. In nowadays, freshwater, coal, petroleum are not enough yet. How does our fragile planet under take such a great need? At that time, a good many people will suffer poverty, starvation, diseases, etc. It could even cause the third World-War.

In addition to the war, we re faced many other problems. The simplest thing is that how the target distribute. Who can decide it? Is the achievement first used on scientists or stars? Is it appreciated by nobles or tested on civilians? So simple a thing is so hard to solve.

If we were to reform our genes for same reason, it might cause the disorder of. It would lead to serious aftereffects. For example, some new diseases will come and they may be incurable as cancer. Nobody can control at that time.

Contemporary society has many kinds of discrimination. Discrimination of religion belief, ethnic, or is harmful to the liberty of the world. Imagine that if you were a manager of a company, and you were choosing an assistant, from a crowd of people. You master everyone s genes. Who will be lucky enough to be chosen? Mostly, the cleverest one. Therefore, a man who has ordinary IQ will be hard to live. This situation can be called genetic discrimination. Of course, it s bad to the stability of society.

What s worse, if some terrorists mastered this technology, what our world be? They might regard the technology as a weapon, which could destroy human beings and ruin the earth. We would be under the control of evil power and live with pain forever.

In the end, I want to say that I m not sensationalizing it. It s a real choice we have to make. Science or Liberty? It seems a easy thing but humans are curious and want to explore by nature. If we want to enjoy our life and appreciate our homeland, we must calm down, forbear our strong desire. Don t forget that we re never the overlord of our planet, but only the quests of the earth.



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