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Discuss topics of interest_讨论兴趣英语作文200字

2020-01-05 00:45:01

Speaking is a profound learning. When you talk to people, there are many things to watch out for, such as talking objects, talking places, and proper words. But you should especially pay attention to the choice of topic, if not interested in the topic you choose to let a person can lead to object of conversation feel boring and disgust, it will make your interpersonal become worse, and always fail. It's a great way to connect with people, because not many people are indifferent to what they're interested in, and people tend to know the most about what they're interested in. Talking about these topics of interest will not only make your partner feel good about you, but will also benefit you. Of course, talking about what other people are interested in is a good way to get along with people, which is not the same thing as hypocrisy.




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