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My Living Habits_我的生活习惯英语作文150字

2020-01-12 05:00:02

Now let me tell you something about my living habits.

Every moring,I read and exercise.I often run and play basketball.For lunch,I eat lots of vegetables and fruit.I usually have some milk after lunch.Then I start reading or doing My homework.The class finishes at about 5:30 in the afternoon.Then I always run.When I get home,it is often 6:40p.m.I always finish my homework at about 9:30p.m.I go to bed at about 10o'clock.

I use the Internet everyday.Sometimes I use it for fun.I hardly ever watch TV and I eat junk food two to four times a week.

How about you?Do you want to know more about me?If you do,you can write a letter to me at 3067738309@qq.com.




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