趣文网 > 教师天地 > 语文优秀试卷


2020-02-25 08:00:01



学校 班级 姓名 得分

听力部分 (30分)

一、 听录音,选出你所听到句子中含有的单词或词组(听两遍)10分

( ) 1.A. litter B. little C. littering

( ) 2.A. interesting B. Internet C. insect

( ) 3.A. milk B. pick C. cook

( ) 4.A. read B. ready C. really

( ) 5.A. fine B. find C. film

( ) 6.A. wallet B. watch C. wash

( ) 7.A. presents B. parents C. puppets

( ) 8.A. cameras B. cinemas C. candles

( ) 9.A. get off B. keep off C. take off

( ) 10.A. the eighteenth of March B. the twentieth of March

C. the eighth of March

二、 听录音,选择正确的应答(听两遍)5分

( ) 1.A. All right . B. Look at the present . C. Thank you .

( ) 2.A. Sure . B. No, he can’t . C. No, they can’t .

( ) 3. A. Yes, they were . B. Yes, there were . C. No, there aren’t .

( ) 4. A. They’re on the chair . B. They were near the bed .

C. It was on the sofa .

( ) 5. A. Visit relatives and friends . B. Watch the moon .

C. Make chocolate eggs .

三、 听录音,判断录音内容是否与图意相符,相符的用T表示,不相符的用F表示(听两遍)5分

1. 2. 3.

( ) ( ) ( )

4. 5.

( ) ( )

四、 根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择正确的回答(听两遍)5分

( ) 1.A. Easter B. Halloween C. Christmas

( ) 2.A. A cake . B. A yo-yo . C. A football .

( ) 3.A. On the bed . B. In the school bag . C. Under the bed .

( ) 4.A. Watered the trees . B. collected eggs . C. picked oranges .

( ) 5.A. Jim’s . B. Yang Ling’s . C. David’s .

五、 根据你所听到的内容,将下面的短文填写完整(听3遍)5分

Lantern Festival or Yuanxiao Festival is a traditional(传统的) Chinese

It is in February or , fourteen after Spring Festival .

usually go to watch lanterns in the streets or in the . On this day they

yuanxiao (元宵). It’s delicious .

My friends and I lanterns last Lantern Festival .All of us were very .We a really good time that day .

笔试部分 (70分)

一、 中英互译 15分

1. 散步 a 2. 在四月

3. 刚才 4. 我的手机 my

5. 品尝苹果 6. 儿童节

7. 坐在他旁边 sit 8. 上课前

9. 拔胡萝卜 the carrots

10. 回答这些问题 these

11. take off the costume

12. Sports Day

13. pick oranges for me

14. walk in the mountains

15. at the back of the bus

二、 选择填空 10分

( ) 1. The sign on the wall means ‘No ’, we shouldn’t here .

A. smoking smoke B. smoke smoking C. smoking smoking

( ) 2. My mother’s birthday is December 15.

A. at B. in C. on

( ) 3. The students are having an running race . They’re very .

A. exciting exciting B. excited exciting C. exciting excited

( ) 4. My shoes under the bed now. But they there a moment ago.

A. aren’t were B. are were C. were are

( ) 5. your cousin a farm last Sunday ?

A. Does visit B. Did visit C. Did visited

( ) 6. People usually eat moon cakes .

A. on May Day B. on New Year’s Day C. at Mid-Autumn Festival

( ) 7. is this hairdryer ? It’s my mother’s .

A. Whose B. Who C. Who’s

( ) 8. hairdryer is from America . is from Japan .

A. Mine Yours B. My Yours C. My Your

( ) 9. Where you go last week ? I to my grandparents’ house .

A. were go B. did went C. do went

( ) 10. Here’s a cake Ben . It’s his father .

A. from to B. to from C. for from

三、选词填空,注意使用所给词的正确形式 5分

1. Nancy is her purse . She can’t find it . (look around , look for)

2. The old woman’s keys are on the ground .

Let’s (pick up, pick) the keys for her .

3. My aunt (wash, water) the flowers every morning .

4. Would you like (give, make) a birthday card for your mother ?

5. My parents (watch, look at) a film last night .

四、连词成句 5分

1. sign, mean, ‘No parking’, does, the ( ? )

2. else, Mike, garden, do, in, did, what, the ( ? )

3. talking, about, to, holidays, Mr Green, he, is ( . )

4. like, much, presents, Christmas, very, I , the ( . )

5. last, my, didn’t, Spring Festival, I, visit, relatives ( . )

五、从Ⅱ栏中选出与Ⅰ栏相对应的句子,将其序号填入题前的括号内 10分

A. Ⅰ Ⅱ

( ) 1. Don’t walk on the grass . A. Thank you .

( ) 2.Thank you very much . B. Sure . Here you are .

( ) 3.Happy birthday to you . C. Yes. I like dancing .

( ) 4.Can I have this camera ? D. I’m sorry .

( ) 5.Would you like to dance with me ? E. You’re welcome .

B. Ⅰ Ⅱ

( ) 1. Who’s the skateboard from ? A. It’s Liu Tao’s .

( ) 2. What is your favourite holiday ? B. It’s from my father .

( ) 3. When can we watch ‘Aladdin’ ? C. I’d like a mirror .

( ) 4. Whose teapot is this ? D. Let’s wait and see .

( ) 5. What would you like as a birthday present ? E. Easter .

六、 南希和她的朋友们正在谈论去年过节的情况,根据表格内的信息,回答下列问题(要求答句完整)5分



Dragon Boat Festival

Mid-Autumn Festival


buy a Christmas tree

watch a dragon boat race

eat moon cakes [文章来源于 www.qwen.cn]

Liu Tao

go to a party

watch a dragon boat race

play with lanterns


sing and dance

eat rice dumplings

watch the moon


go to the park

play games

have a big dinner

1. Did Nancy buy a Christmas tree last year ?


2. What did Helen do at Mid-Autumn Festival ?


3. Did Liu Tao go to the park last Dragon Boat Festival?


4. Who watched the dragon boat race with Liu Tao ?


5. Was Mike at home at Christmas ?


七、 根据上下文意思和首字母提示,将下列短文填写完整 10分

A: What d is it today ?

B: It’s the second of January .

A: Oh, yesterday (昨天)w New Year’s Day .

B: What d you do yesterday ?

A: I h a nice day .

I watched a film with my good f in the morning .

B: Did you l the film ?

A: Yes, we did . It was a funny cartoon .

B: What e did you do ?

A: We w camping in the afternoon .

We did many interesting things t .

We were very tired but really h .

B: You had a wonderful day .I’d like to go camping, too .

八、 阅读理解 10分

A. 判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“T”表示, 错误的用“T”表示。

It was May Day last Sunday .And it was also Tom’s birthday. He had a party at home. His friends came and they all gave presents to him. They sang and danced .They were very happy. Tom’s parents gave him a model ship. After lunch, they went to a park. They played games there. They went home at 4 o’clock. After dinner, they went to the supermarket. Tom bought(买) a VCD of Japanese cartoons . He was very happy.

( )1. Tom’s birthday was on the 1st of June.

( )2. Tom had a birthday party last Sunday.

( )3. They played games at the party.

( )4. The model ship was a birthday present from Tom’s uncle.

( )5. Tom likes watching Japanese cartoons.

B. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

In the USA, people celebrate(庆祝) Halloween on October 31st. Children always dress up. They wear special costumes and masks. They knock(敲) on their neighbours’ (邻居)doors and shout (喊)“trick or treat”. Their neighbours usually treat them with chocolates and sweets. Or they can play a trick on them .

Children also like to make Jack-O-lanterns for Halloween. They cut out some shapes to make the eyes, the nose and the sharp(尖锐的) teeth. Then they put some candles in the pumpkin lanterns. Children like Halloween very much.

( )1. Halloween is on .

A. December 31st B. October 31st C. November 31st

( )2. Childen usually wear at Halloween .

A. costumes B. masks C. A and B

( )3. The children can get from the “Trick or treat”.

A. sweets B. lanterns C. masks

( )4. A Jack-O-lantern is made of .

A. chocolate B. pumpkin lanterns and candles C. eggs

( )5. People usually put in the pumpkin lanterns .

A. candles B. sweets C. chocolate



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