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2020-05-23 17:42:01

爸爸的爱好“吱呀——砰”,“我回来了”一个声音高吭地喊着,两只脚都走不出直线,不用说,我爸又喝酒了.要说酒,那可是我爸爸除了书之外的第一大爱好呢!他喜欢的是“白酒小二”,也就是五十六度的高梁酒——红星二锅头。平时呀,他只会少喝一点丁儿,坐在书户里,手捧一本他喜欢的书,摆上一小碗花生,一小杯酒,吃一点,喝一点,嗬,瞧他得意的咂吧咂吧嘴,赛过活神仙。我有些好奇,凑上前在瓶口闻一闻,呃,真难闻呀!我爸怎么喝下去的呀?可一跟客户喝酒,立马找不着北了,瞧,面颊红得发紫,走路摇摇晃晃,声音又粗又大,走到我面前,一股酒气立刻扑面而来。我总劝爸爸戒烟,爸爸却笑嘻嘻地说:“男人嘛!总要有点男人的爱好”,哎,我长大了绝对不要这个爱好。当然,这是受我老妈每次在我爸爸喝酒后对我耳提立命的教育啊!Dads Hobbies"Creek....bang!" went the door. "Im back!", a high pitched voice came from a man who couldnt walk in a straight line. Needless to say, once again my dad had gotten drunk. When it comes to wine, besides reading, it is his favorite hobby. His favorite is "White Spirit Xiao Er", a fiftysix degree Kaoliang wine known as Red Star. Normally, he drinks only a little. Sitting in his study, holding one of his favorite books, Dad sets a small plate of peanuts on the table and sips a small glass of wine. Look at him just smacking his lips, so lighthearted! Im was once curious about this wine, so I went to the bottle and took a whiff. Ugh! It was disgusting! How can my dad stomach this stuff? When he drinks alcohol with his clients, he gets completely lost: his face grows so red his hair looks purple, his walking becomes a stumbling pace, his voice turns both loud and rough, puffs of alcohol laden breath come out of his face. I have always urged Dad to stop drinking. He only chuckles and tells me "A man deserves a manly hobby!" When I grow up, I definitely want no part of this so called hobby. Of course, this is in part influenced by Moms teachings every time Dad is drunk!真有趣的故事! 0条评论



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