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2020-06-13 15:30:01

文 高考英语作文范文 50 篇 高考英语作范 0 篇 子曰:天天背范,不亦乐乎? 09)全国卷 I 1 假定你是李华,正在英国接受英语培训,住在一户英国人家里。今天你的房东 rs ilsn 不在家,你准备外出,请给 rs ilsn 写一留言,内容如下:1 外出购物 2 替房东还书 3Tra 电话留言:1咖啡屋(Bltn ffee)见面取消 2)此事已告知 Susan 3尽快回电 范:rs ilsn , I’ ging ut shpping , and n’t be ba until abut :00 p I have taen ith e the t bs u ased e t return t the it librar At abut 1 ’l this afternn , Tra alled ,saing that she uldn’t eet u at Bltn ffee trr rning as she has sething iprtant t attend t She felt ver srr abut that , but said that u uld set se ther tie fr the eeting She anted u t all her ba as sn as u are he She has alread tld Susan abut this hange LI Hua 10)全国卷 2 假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speeh ntest),希望附近大学的外籍教师 Sith 女生做评委。请参照以下通知给她写一封信。 英语演讲比赛 主题:人与自然 时间:6 月 1 日下午 2: : 地点:01 教室 参赛选手:10 名 联系人:李华(电话 448766) 范: Dear s Sith , I’ Li Hua , the hairan f the Students’ Unin f uai iddle Shl ,hih is lse t ur universit I’ riting t invite u t be a udge at ur English speeh ntest hih ill be held in ur shl n une 1 It ill start at 2:00 p and last fr abut three hurs Ten students ill deliver their speehes n the given tpi “an and Nature” e hpe that u ill aept ur invitatin if it is nvenient fr u Please all e at 448766 if u have an questins I’ ling frard t ur repl ith best ishes Li Hua 11) 全国卷 3 假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学校辅导中心(Learning enter)的帮助。根据学校规定,你需要书面预约,请按下列的要求写一封信:1 本人简介 2 求助内容 3 约定时间 4 你的联系方式(Eail: lihua@1236 ; Phne:1234678) 范: Dear Sir , I’ LiHua , a hinese student taing suer urse in ur universit I’ riting t as fr help I ae here last nth and fund urses interesting But I have se diffiult ith nte taing and I have n idea f h t use the librar I as tld the learning enter prvides help fr students and I’ anxius t get help fr u I have n lass n Tuesdas rnings and Frida afternns Please let e n hih da is ith u u a eail r phne e Here are eail address and phne nuber :lihua@1236 ; 123467 L frard t ur repl urs , Li Hua 09安徽卷 4 假设你正在参加全省中学生演讲比赛,请你针对有些父母经常翻开孩子的日记或书包这一现象,写一篇演讲稿,陈述你的观点。 内容包括:1 认为同学们不必为此烦恼 2 希望能够体谅父母的苦衷 3 建议与父母进行交流沟通 范: Gd rning , ladies and gentleen , Se f us are having prbles ith ur parents , as the ften l int ur shl bags r read ur diaries I full understand h e are nt frtable abut it , but there’s n need t feel t sad ur parents are heing ur bags r diaries t ae sure e are nt getting int an truble The have prbabl heard se hrrible stries abut ther ids and thught e ight d the sae r perhaps the ust ant t nnet ith us but are ding it all rng suggestin is : Tell the e ant the t trust us as uh as e’d lie t trust the If u dn’t thin u an tal t the , rite the a letter and leave it ling arund the are bund t read it Than u! 10安徽卷 假设你将参加某英杂志开展的一次征活动,内容要求你在电视,手机和网络三者中,放弃其中的一个并陈述理由。请你以“hih uld u give up: TV, ell r eb?” 为题,写一篇短。 范: hih uld u give up : TV , ell r eb? e are n living in an infratin age , in hih TV , ells and the eb are idel used It sees that an peple an nt en theselves ith the Hever , if I had t give up ne f the , I uld turn ff TV rather than sith ff ell r ut ff the internet I uld d ithut TV beause fe TV shs an tae fan and there’re t an erials Besides , st prgras n TV are als available elsehere As fr ells and the eb , the are re neessar t e I need a ell t eep in tuh ith friends and fail , and alst all infratin an be gathered n the internet 11安徽卷 6 某校英报社开设了一个专栏:experiene 本期话题是如何解决学习中遇到的困难。请你以“ apprah t diffiulties in learning” 为题,用英语写一篇短,谈谈自己的一些做法。 范: apprah t diffiulties in learning As shl students , e run int ne diffiult after anther in the press f learning Everne has their n as t deal ith the Here I uld lie t share ine hen I a faed ith a diffiult , I usuall hse t refer t relevant learning aterials r eb pages In this a , I an nt nl r it ut but als iprve abilit t vere prbles all b self Hever , hen it is sething bend petene , I turn t lassates r teahers fr help Seties I als as parents fr advie As a result , I have ade stead prgress in studies 11湖南卷 7 假设你参加所在年级的英写作比赛,请按下面字中的道理完成一篇短: A drp f ater +t drps +an drps =sea A tree +t trees +an trees = frest ne persn +t persns +an persns =siet 范: The piture shs a siple truth : If t an drps f ater are put tgether ,the ill bee a sea an trees standing tgether fr a frest and an peple ae up a siet It nves a essage t us : A hle is ade up f an sall parts that are lsel related Nthing r n ne uld exist alne The piture sets us thining deepl : ur siet is ade up f an peple h have different persnalit and haraters If e ant t reate a harnius siet ,e ust live in harn ith thers n the ther hand , sine everbd is related t thers , e shuld be respnsible fr hat e sa and hat e d s that e an develp a pleasant relatinship ith thers , hih aes it pssible fr us t en life t the fullest 10湖南卷 8 假设你和几位同学成了一个英语俱乐部,开展了为期 2 个月的活动。现在,你将代表俱乐部在堂上进行经验交流,请写一份英语发言稿。1 简要描述俱乐部开展的一项与英语有关的活动 2 谈谈你们开展活动的收获。 范: Bs and girls , Tda I’ll tal abut ur English lub ur English lub as set up t nths ag N e have ebers f 2 e eet ne a ee n Saturda afternn S far e have nduted a variet f ativities n English learning , suh as athing English fils , hlding a hristas part and getting tgether ith freign students Last ee e held an English str telling petitin e required that the entries be riginal and interesting and be presented in English ithin five inutes Ever eber t an ative part in the ativit T freign English teahers ere invited t at as udges At last Li Ping n the first plae an ebers said the ativit benefited the in an as Nt nl did it iprve their spen English ,but als it brught the uh fun The hpe an suh ativities an be held That’s all Than u 11 陕西卷 (9) 假定你是李华,在一位名叫 Tiger 的学生家长的博客上,你看到以下内容。 请你根据博客内容,写作要点和要求,给这位家长回复。 I’ the ther f a furteen ear –ld I have a rule fr daughter :be ang the tp f students r get punished in ne a r anther She has been ding ver ell in shl ,but se f friends eep telling e that I put t uh pressure n her A I rng ? 写作要点:1 表明自己的看法 2 陈述自己的理由 3 提出至少 2 条建议。 范: Hi, Tiger , hat puzzles u is atuall a puzzle fr an parents in hina idea is that it is quite right fr u t d s Althugh high grades are an iprtant fatr in evaluating students and fr their future universit adissin , develpent in isd etin ,health and life attitude shuld never be ignred There are an exaples arund us Se all—A students in shl have turned ut nt t be as suessful in siet as the ere expeted The reasn is ften that the pressure fr their parents alls the alst n tie fr ther ativities Furtherre , punishent is b n eans a ise hie t help the gr up entall and phsiall S I suggest that u tae ur friends’ advie re iprtantl, let her live lie a lvel girl ; let her have re friends and sial ativities ; and let her ae istaes f her n as e teenagers ften d 09湖南卷 (10) 假设你是某中学新老师李红,请给你的朋友张华写封信,告诉他你第一天上的情景,主要内容如下:1 描述一堂上令你印象深刻的事情 2 介绍你处理该事的方式 3 谈谈你的感想 范: Dear zhuanghua , It’s three nths sine I heard fr u last tie N I ant t tell u an ipressive str happening n first lessn n hearing the bell students ran int the lassr as quil as the uld But a b ,LIing , hse father died a nth ag , as late fr the lass He std utside the lassr silentl I siled t hi and let hi e in After a hile ,he ried n his des Then I aled t hi and ased hat had happened He tld e that his ther as ill and he had t tae se ediine fr her At the sae tie ,he aplgized t e fr his lateness ved b his rds , I praised hi fr his deeds and deided t sing a sng naed “ther” fr the students H tie flies ! lass as ver befre I realized it Fr the str I felt e shuld respet ur parents and d ur best t help the D u thin s ? I’ ling frard t ur repl urs trul , Li Hng 10陕西卷 (11) 假定你是李华,你们学校和一所美国学校签署了教师交流协议。在过去的一年里,你们的英语老师是自这所学校的 Sue d 。 不久前她返回美国任教。请根据要求写封电子邮。1对她表达感谢之意 2 介绍她离开后自己和班级发生的事情 3 希望了解她的近况 范: Dear Sue , I’ LiHua ,ne f ur students in hina It’s alst a nth sine u left us e all iss u and are ver grateful fr hat u did fr us hen e ere tgether e are bus as usual e had an English speeh ntest the ther da I n the first prize! This again reinds e f all ur ind help D u still reeber the trees e planted tgether n the hill behind the shl? esterda e ent there and atered the The three u planted urself is gring ell ,and the hle lass deided t nae it Sue d ill u e ba t see Sue d ? H is everthing ith u latel ? e hpe t n re abut u and ur Aerian students Hpe t eep in lse tuh All the best Liu Hua 09陕西卷 (12) 假定你是李华,在一个英网络论坛上,你看到一个名叫 Grn up 的中学生发帖(pst)寻求帮助。请根据以下内容,写作要点和要求回帖。 Grn up Pst at 18 2009 20:08 Hi, everne , I’ 17 ears ld and I a ging t universit this autun But ther ntinues t treat e as a seven ear ld hat shuld I d ? 写作要点:1 告诉 Grn up 要理解母亲 2 给 Grn up 提出解决问题的具体建议 范: Hi, Grn up , As a student f ur age , I understand ur situatin The prble u are faing is n ang ur teenagers Hever , it shuld be ise nt t d anthing that a hurt ur ther’s feelings Here are a fe suggestins First , it’s advisable t tal re ith ur I a sure that tals ust help u understand eah ther better The are als pprtunities t let her n ur ideas and attitudes tards an things Send , u shuld learn t d ur n things ell, prving t ur that u are alread a “grn up”, it’s even better t share re f the huser , suh as leaning ,ashing and ing Hpe idea ill r ut 11)江西卷 (13) 假设你是星光中学的李华,将参加主题为“Let’s ride biles”的英语演讲比赛活动。请撰写一份演讲稿,主要内容:1 目前汽车带的空气污染和交通堵塞问题 2 骑自行车的益处,如节能环保,有利健康等 3 参考词汇 l arbn life energ saving 范: Gd rning , everne , I’ Li Hua fr Xing Guang iddle shl The tpi f speeh is “Let’s ride bile” As is nn t all, ith the iprveent f peple’s living standards , ars have bee a ppular eans f transprt ,bringing great nveniene t ur life Hever , the have als aused se prbles suh as air pllutin and traffi as H an e slve the prbles then ? As far as I a nerned , riding biles is a gd slutin Fr ne thing, biles dn’t need an petrl and the are energ –saving Fr anther , biles are envirnentall friendl beause the n’t give ff aste gas hat’s re , riding biles is a gd a fr us t exerise and it is benefiial t ur health Therefre, let’s tae the respnsibilit t build up a l arbn it b riding biles e n and in us ! Than u! 11天津卷 (14) 假设你程光中学学生会主席李华。你校将于 6 月 26 日接待自美国的某中学的访问团。你受学校委托,负责安排其在天津的活动。请根据提示,给美国的领队 Sith 先生写一封电子邮,介绍活动安排并简要说明理由,最后征求对方的意见。 1 上午与我校学生座谈(如校园化,化差异)2 中午与我校同学共进午餐(饺子,面条等) 3 下午和我校学生游览海河。 范: Dear r Sith , I a Lihua ,hairan f the student unin , fr henguang high sh I a ver pleased t learn that u are ing t visit ur shl n une 26 I a riting t tell u hat e have arranged fr u In the rning , there ill be a fru in the shl auditriu , here visitrs and students fr ur shl uniate ith eah ther ,taling abut shl life and ultural differenes At nn, u are invited t have lunh in ur shl afeteria ith students fr ur shl u an taste duplings ,ndles and ther hinese fds In the afternn, the students in ur shl ill sh u arund the HaiHe river H d u lie the arrangeents ? I hpe u ill have a nie tie in Tian ing urs sinerel , Li Hua 10天津卷 (1) 假设你晨光高中的李华。你校拟选拔一些优秀学生,利用暑假到晨曦希望小学为学生辅导英语。你希望参加此活动。请根据提示写给校评选组一封申请信:1 对此活动的认识(如对本人,学生和社会的益处)2 个人优势(如性格,独立生活能力,语言能力等) 3 你的计划(如怎样辅导等) 范: Dear Sir/ada , I’ lihua fr lass ne ,senir t I a ring t appl fr the pprtunit t help the students in henxin Hpe Shl ith their English Thus the an iprve their English during the suer vaatin eanhile , I an learn h t get alng ell the students and benefit the hle shl I’ ind , eas ging and alas read t help thers I ash lthes and ae beds b self t develp independene English is favrite subet and I have n several prizes in English ntests S I thin that I a qualified fr the psitin I plan t uniate ith students first t n hat the need Besides ,I ‘ll tr t get the re interested in English b telling stries , singing sngs ,plaing gaes and s n I’d appreiate it if u uld give e the pprtunit urs Sinerel , Li hua 09天津卷 (16) 假设你是晨光中学学生会主席李华。学生会将举办一年一度的英语演讲比赛,本年度的主题为“The English nvel I lie best” 作为组织者,你将在演讲比赛开幕式时发言,请根据以下说明写一篇发言稿。 1 说明比赛的意义,如提高英语听说能力,养成读书习惯等 2 比赛注意事项,如每人演讲不超过分钟,言语流利,发言准确 3 预祝比赛圆满成功 范: The English nvel I lie best Gd afternn, ladies and gentleen , ele t this ear’s English speeh petitin This ear’s tpi is “the English nvel I lie best” It is a reall interesting tpi Taing part in this petitin is nt nl a great pprtunit fr u t iprve bth ur spen English and listening abilit ,but als des gd t helping u develp a great reading habit In this ntest , the tie f ever partiipant’s speeh ill be liited ithin inutes Ever partiipant is expeted t spea fluentl ,and ur prnuniatin shuld be as preise as pssible I hpe everbd an share ur favrite English nvel ,sh ur speeh talent and ae friends ith eah ther At last , I sinerel hpe that this ear’s English speeh petitin ill be a great suess Than u 11)福建卷 (17) 为纪念汶川大地震三周年,某英报发起关注灾区新貌的活动。请根据提示,以“Great hanges ”为题,写一篇短应征。1 某中学灾后三年的变化,如教学与活动场所,师生精神面貌等 2 发生变化的原因 3 你的感想 范: Great hanges I a deepl ipressed b the great hanges that have taen plae in the shl ver the past three ears n a 12, 2008, a severe earthquae destred alst everthing in the shl , leaving badl daaged buildings It is n , hever , taing n a ne l Tall buildings have been set up , inluding lassr and labratr buildings ,and a librar There is als a ne built standard plagrund In the ne envirnent , teahers and students are living happil and ring hard It is reall aazing that the ne ruined plae has n been turned int a beautiful shl, full f life bviusl, ithut the help f the hle siet , there uld be n ne shl tda It is lve and nern that have brught abut the great hanges an hands ae light r e an r nders if u unite as a fail , aring fr eah ther and helping thse in need Unin is strength 10福建卷 (18) 假设你是李华,福建某中学高中生,今年暑假将前往澳大利亚参加主题为“ater fr life “的交流活动。 请你以参访代表的身份,写一篇发言稿。 Glbal ater shrtage hat an e d ? as f reserving ater Turn sea ater int fresh ater 范: Ladies and gentleen , Gd rning I ‘ lihua fr Fuiang , hina It’s great hnr t be here t sa sething abut the glbal ater shrtage and as f dealing ith it As e all n , the glbal ater shrtage is being inreasingl severe ainl due t glbal aring ,envirnent pllutin and the ever inreasing ppulatin Therefre , it is high tie e did sething abut it Firstl, an effetive a, I thin, is t reserve ater in a sientifi a fr future use Sendl, ne ethds need t be develped t use the existing ater resures ,fr exaple, turning sea ater int fresh ater Thirdl , e ust stp ater pllutin b la Last but nt least, it’s everne’s respnsibilit t ae gd use f ater ,suh as reling and saving ater in ur dail life In nlusin , peple arund the rld shuld be are f the real situatin f ater shrtage, prtet the present ater resures and explre ptential nes sientifiall That’s all Than u 10江西卷 (19) 英语中“please ,than u, srr”等礼貌用语等具有怎进友谊,改善关系,化解矛盾的神奇力量, 因而被称为“agi rds” ,请用”agi per f plite rds “ 为题写一篇短。 范: agi per f plite rds re and re peple attah great iprtane t relatinship in areer suess Being plite is the first and st iprtant step t develp gd relatinship ang friends Plite rds an be eas et ver perful in ur dail life Alas saing please and than u ill ae ur friends re frtable and re illing t ffer help hen neessar e all n that ne an’s suess is based n h he deals ith peple Alas be grateful t ther peple’s indness and sh ur gratitude thrugh the rds u spea The re supprt u in fr ther peple, the faster u ill ve tards ur gal Althugh se peple a easil ignre the iprtane f being plite , e students shuld fr gd habits and behave in gd anners First , learn t be friendl t ur parents and relatives at he Then at shl, listen respetfull hen ur teahers instrut u Fll and aept their advie t iprve urself u ill ae further prgress if u express ur gratitude in tie Reeber , being plite sts nthing but it’s rth illins f dllars 09江西卷 (20) 学校将举行以“turning a bad d int a gd ne “的作比赛,请按以下要求完成 1发生的具体事 2对你的心情有何影响 3 你如何应对 范: Turning a bad d int a gd ne It is ver iprtant fr us t have a gd d in ur dail life If u have a gd d , u ill be happ ith everthing in the rld st iprtantl, u ill have an ptiisti effet n the peple arund u e all ill live a harnius and happ life It is gd fr ur health as ell Hever , seties hen u eet se diffiulties , hen u quarrel ith thers r hen u fail in ding sething , u a have a bad d If s , u shuld get rid f it as sn as pssible As e all n , everthing has t sides S u shuld thin re abut its bright side e are sure that everthing ill be better ith tie passing b Reeber : nl u an ae urself happ I hpe that everne has a gd d ever da ! 09福建卷 (21) 某报社拟成立“微笑俱乐部”,现向全球征募会员,要求申请者提交一篇题为“I ant t sile “的英语短。 请你以申请者的身份,根据以下思路写一篇。 Advantages f sile Sile at parents and friends 范: I ant t sile There are an advantages f siling It an nt nl ae us happ, but als please thers If e sile at life , life ill sile n us in return S I ant t sile at all henever and herever pssible First, I uld lie t sile at parents beause the have given e life and taen all the truble t bring e up The arrange alst everthing fr e ith their help , I have ade great prgress I uld lie t sa “than u” t the ith a sile Then sile shuld g t self, fr nl in this a an I gain re nfidene in siling trubles aa and live a better life In a rd , let’s greet ever da ith a sile Trr is anther da 11 东卷 (22) 假设你李华,你的美国朋友 T 上个月北京学习。七月份你将去北京参加暑期中学生英语演讲比赛(speeh ntest),你在搜集资料,语言运用方面遇到了困难。请根据要点给 T 写封eail 1 询问 T 的学习和生活情况 2 谈谈你的困难并请他帮忙 3 你打算比赛后去看他。 范: Dear T, H tie flies! u have been studing in Beiing fr nearl a nth, during hih u ust ahieved a lt ell , h is everthing ging ? It is reprted that the eather there is ver ht and dr these das, hih is different fr that f ur untr Have u adapted t it ? In additin, u ne plained that the fd served there is nt t ur taste I hpe that shuld have been iprved I a glad t tell u that I a ging t Beiing t tae part in an English speeh ntest in ul ,hih is nt nl an hnr ,but als an pprtunit fr e t iprve self And n I tr best t ae preparatins fr it Hever , I have se truble in lleting the aterials relevant and using the language I uld appreiate it if u give e a hand t slve the prbles After the ntest , I a t drp in at ur shl t visit u Please ait fr phne urs , Li hua 10东卷 (23) 假设你是新华中学的李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友 T 约好下周去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请给他写封 Eail 1 表示歉意 2 解释原因 3 另约时间 范: Dear T, I a indeed ver srr that I an’t g t Beiing ith u next ee, hih I have prised I feel srr abut it and ant u t n hat happened ust n , usin ,Li qiang ,h left he t Australia fr his further stud last ear, infred e that he uld return this Saturda rning and ased e t pi hi up at the airprt ith his fail u n , e haven’t seen eah ther fr nearl a ear I sinerel hpe u an aept aplgies and understand e I uld appreiate ur alling e t ae anther date t sh u arund Beiing ne again, I’ srr fr an innveniene aused Sinerel urs , Li hua 09东卷 (24) 假设你是李华,曾在美国学习半年,现已回国。你想联系你的美国老师 r Sith ,但没有联系方式。请根据以下要点给你的美国同学写信 1 感谢 T 对你学习上的帮助 2 询问 r Sith的近况并索要其联系方式 3 邀请 T 在春节中国感受中国化。 范: Dear T, Than u ver uh fr ur ind help hen I staed in Aeria ith ur help , English has iprved a lt and teahers and friends are surprised at fluent English H is r Sith ? I ant t n sething abut his life I tried t get in tuh ith hi ,but unfrtunatel I dn’t have his address and an’t nnet ith hi D u have his eail address r his telephne nuber? The spring festival is ing It is an iprtant traditinal festival fr hinese , hen all the fail ebers get tgether It is lie hristas in the estern untries uld u lie t e t feel the hinese ulture ? I a sure u ill live happil here and learn a lt f funn things Besides, I an als sh u arund se plaes f interest Best ishes ! I a ling frard t ur repl urs , Li hua 11辽宁卷 (2) 假定你是李华,将于今年七月从新星外语学校毕业。你从报纸上得知 B amp;ap;B 公司要招聘一名英秘书,你很感兴趣。请给该公司写一封信,1 年龄 2 学习情况和英水平 3 兴趣特长 4性格特点 范: Dear Sir /ada , I learned fr the nespaper that ur pan needs an English seretar I’ reall interested in this psitin and hpe I an r fr u I’ 18 ears ld and ill be graduating fr xinxing Freign Languages Shl this ul I’ an exellent student ,ang the tp in lass f 0 students I’ gd at English , espeiall spen English I ften use the puter and I tpe ver fast In spare tie ,I read a lt Pes are favrite I en usi ver uh t Being an ative ung persn , I lie sprts and utdr ativities Besides , I ‘ eas t get alng ell ith and I lie t ae friends I’ ling frard t ur repl Sinerel urs, Li hua 09辽宁卷 (26) 假定你住在一个涉外小区。社区委员会请你帮忙用英写一封电子邮,将周末农家采摘活动的安排传达给住户。 时间:下周六上午 8:00 11:00 内容:采摘苹果 报名:办公室,下周四下午:00 前 提示:戴帽子,手套 。欢迎踊跃参加 。 范: Hi, everne , e’ll have an iprtant ativit—piing apples The piing ill g n fr 8:00 a t 11:00 a next Saturda and ele all f the peple in ur unit t in in the ativit T in in the ativit , u shuld sign ur nae in the ffie befre :00 p next Thursda ,hih is the deadline ! Dn’t iss it ! Attentin! It is suggested that all the peple h ill in in piing apples shuld ear a hat and a pair f glves beause there ill be a lt f leaves r dirt things that ill therise fall n ur head and ae ur hands dirt Be ative , everne in ur unit ! The unit bard 11浙江卷 (27) 假定你是高中生李岳,有感于校园中存在的随意涂写sribble 和乱丢垃圾(litter)的行为,请用英给校长写封信;1 说明写信的目的 2 对这些行为提出批评 3 提出建议 范: Dear r Headaster, I a Li ue , a student fr lass ne ,senir II I a riting t dra ur attentin t se iprper behavir ang us students : littering and sribbling It aes ur shl dirt and unpleasant , and des har t the iage f ur shl I alas feel ashaed henever I see this It is learl nt apprpriate fr a student t litter and sribble abut I nder if the shl uld plae re dustbins arund and set up speifi rules against suh behavir At the sae tie , students shuld be enuraged t develp gd habits and better behave theselves I believe that , ith the int effrts f bther teahers and students ,ur shl ill bee a re enable plae in the near future Than fr ur nsideratin urs faithfull, Li ue 10浙江卷 (28) 最近,李岳被评为你们班的“每周之星”,请你根据她的事迹(在上周六下午,不顾天气炎热,为班级选购歌咏比赛服装),用英语写一篇短 1 李岳的事迹及对同学的影响 2 你的评论 参考词汇:singing ntest stue服装 范: Star student f the ee Li ue has been aarded the title f “star student f the ee” fr hat she did fr ur lass n the ht afternn f last Saturda , Li ue ent dntn and aled fr ne stre t anther ,ling fr the stues e uld ear in the singing ntest hile the rest f us ere ening ur leisure tie in l and frtable rs , she spent the hle afternn searhing and seleting Finall, she fund the right lthes Deepl ved b her effrts , e tried ur best and n the first prize in the ntest Li ue is alas ar hearted and ares a lt abut the lass Besides, she ften devtes her spare tie t helping thers She has set a gd exaple fr us Therefre, she deserves the hnr and e shuld learn fr her 09浙江卷 (29) 月 1 日高二(3)班的学生志愿者 li ue 和 zhang hua 去阳光敬老院sunshine nursing he开展志愿者活动(送水果,打扫,聊天等)。假设你校英语报的记者,请写一则报道 1 时间,地点,人物,活动 2 老人们的反映 3 简短评论 范: students vlunteers brught sunshine t the elderl n a Da , Liue and zhang hua , students fr lass three ,Grade t , ent t sunshine nursing he and did se vluntar r Upn their arrival, Li ue and Zhang hua ere arl eled ,and respetfull, the presented the elderl ith fruits and flers Then the started ring at ne ,leaning the inds and seeping the flr Everthing dne, the sat in the ard hatting ith the elderl peple hen it as tie fr the vlunteers t leave, the elderl peple thaned the fr their indness The said it as suh a beautiful da that the uld reeber it frever Li ue and zhang hua ere ver happ hat the did has brught t ther peple and enrihed their n lives B hen ie , shl nespaper 11 广东卷 (30) 阅读下列短,然后按要求写一篇 10 字的 hen Sa first reahed t his barding shl ith his parents , he as ver happ He thught he uld be able t g he ever eeend hen he as tld he uld nt , he started ring beause the thught f nt seeing his parents as driving hi raz He as given unifrs and all ther things he uld need fr the ter He started ring hen it as tie fr his parents t leave He as then taen t the dr, here he sa ther hildren happ He tried as uh as he uld t fit in but he ld nt beause his ind as at he He started feeling hesi and anted t g he as sn as pssible He gt si sn beause he uldn’t eat the shl fd He uld nt nentrate in the lassr All he uld thin f as being at he ith his fail He had n bile phne r ther eans t get in tuh ith his parents He as angr and felt lnel He thught his parents hated hi and that as h the left hi in a barding shl 以约 120 个字讲述一次你的或你朋友的想家经历,1 时间,地点和起因 2 想家给学习和生活带的影响 3 你或你的朋友是如何应对的 4 可以参照阅读材料内容,但不能直接引用原中的句子 范: Last suer hlida, friend xia ling ent t Hangzhu t his aunt’s he n the first da he ent t the qian tang river t ath the tide ith his usin and the had a gd tie tgether The deided t g t the est lae fr sightseeing the next da Hever, xia ling had a high fever that night felt ver si His aunt t hi t hspital but he still felt si Xia ling suddenl felt hesi althugh his aunt treated hi ver ell T relieve his hesiness, his aunt ased hi t telephne his parents After he taled ith the fr a lng tie ,xia ling felt uh better bth phsiall and entall He staed in Hangzhu fr fur das and visited several plaes f interest 10)广东卷 (31) 以约 120 个字对用金钱鼓励孩子学习的现象进行议论 1 你对用金钱鼓励孩子学习的看法 2 你的父母和亲人是如何鼓励孩子的 3 你认为怎样才能更好地鼓励孩子学习 范: Fr here I stand , I a nt in favr f enuraging ids ith ash ust beause the have gt gd ars parents used t enurage e lie this henever I ade prgress in studies , the bught e favrite bs ,hih nt nl tivated e t learn ,but als helped e get alng ell ith studies T get ids tivated t learn , I thin e shuld nt treat ever hild in the sae a T se students , ral praise is essential Dn’t save the praise fr nl the tp sre If pssible, invlved ther adults in praising the Hever, this ethd a nt r ell ith ther ids abe hat is re iprtant t the is t ater a vie r g n a trip tgether ith their parents It ust depends 11 江苏卷 (32) 下面是幅照片,表现了女儿为妈妈拿包的情景“t ease the pain in her ba, I reve the heav lad fr ’s shulder” 你短应包括:1 描述照片的内容 2 结合自身情况谈谈你的感想 3 举例说明你能为家长肩负做些什么 范: The burden f students has been a ht tpi fr an ears, but the lad f parents has reeived little attentin ,espeiall fr their n hildren The piture shs us a tuhing ent hen a little es t greet her ring ther Realizing that her ther ust be ver tired after a da’s r , the girl helped t reve the bag fr her shulder In respnse , the ther neels dn t sh h happ and thanful she feels All that reinds e f ther h has been ding hatever she uld t let e have the best But , ttall engaged in studies , I seld pa attentin t hat ther needs and feels, and alas thin studing is the nl thing I uld d in return N I n I an d bit t help ith the everda ashing , bedr leaning ,r at least prepare breafast self , s as t share ’s dail burden The piture nvines e that it is even re iprtant t be a gd daughter than a “gd” student” 10)江苏卷 (33) 假设你应邀参加学校组织的“英语学习师生座谈会”,请根据下表所提示的情况,写一篇发言稿: 自己学习英语的情况 1 英语学习的目的 2 英语学习的方法 3 外自学的途径 对教学的建议 提出 2 至 3 条建议 范: Dear teahers and lassates, it’s a great pleasure fr e t be here tda and share experiene f learning English ith u I’ interested in English , and hpe t be an interpreter in the future Naturall it’s ver iprtant fr e t learn English ell As everbd ns, vabular is an iprtant part f language ,ust lie bris in a building I usuall erize tent ne rds a da and put the t use henever p...



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