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我的梦想my dream英语作文200字

2020-07-12 15:36:01

I think all of them have a dream! Maybe this dream is not big, but always give yourself a decision, that is, to complete the dream.My dream is not for me, for my family. Because in my small time total people in front of my parents always say that their sons and daughters how powerful, a long time. Gradually I in the heart under the seed is my must grew up to buy a luxury car, live in luxury real, I want to let everyone envious of my parents.I want all the people to envy my parents and my brother, these two children. This seed has been buried in the heart of my slowly germination, I know that it is difficult to achieve this dream, but I must make a lot of money.Maybe someone said I only care about money $$, money is worldly possessions, in my eye, for fear of parents with their own life to protect our, we care about and care for us! Every time I see parents very hard, always wanted to help, but also humiliating.But I always want to realize this dream, I also want to let their parents when old to live an extravagant life.For this dream, for me refueling bar!

我想所有的人都有一个梦想吧!可能这个梦想不大,但是总是给自己一个决定,就是一定要完成这个梦想。我的梦想 不是为了我自己,是为了我的家。因为在我小的时候总有人在我父母面前总是说自己的儿女多么多么的厉害,时间久了,渐渐渐渐我在心里种下了一粒种子 就是我一定要长大买豪车,住豪房,我要让所有人都羡慕我的父母。我要让所有的人都羡慕父母有我和哥哥这两个孩子。这颗种子一直埋在我的心里慢慢的发芽,我知道想要实现这个梦想很难实现,但我一定要赚大钱。可能会有人说我只在乎钱$ $,钱是身外之物,在我眼里父母们用自己的一辈子去守护我们,关心我们,在乎我们!每次看到父母很辛苦,总想去帮忙,可是又拉不下脸。但是我不仅一直想实现这个梦想,我还想等父母们老的时候让他们锦衣玉食。为了这个梦想,为我加油吧!

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  1. 2021-12-15 00:51西域男孩[河北省网友]IP:3399631776
  2. 2020-11-24 12:39雪父[重庆市网友]IP:3406578271


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