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2020-08-25 09:42:02

As we all know, a year consists of fourseasons, each of which has its own feature. It sreally hard for me to tell which one I am into thebest. Anyway, I d like to give the followingreasons to explain why I dig summer best.f h i First of all, the summer is hot , which Imean is not just the temperature. People as wellbecome enthusiastic. In summer, people will goskating, swimming,running,climbing andanything exciting.What s more, chances are that scenery insummer is the most appealing which causeyou to go out and feel the vivid livessurrounding you.From where I stand, four seasons make acomplete circle of a year. There is at least oneseason is your cup of tea,just as the summer ismine.No. 2As the old saying tells us, spring is the verystart of a whole harvest.During spring, if we go outside, we can seethat there are all kinds of green plants and ai d variety of flowers around us. Besides, it snot a quiet season, because the lively bees andbeautiful butterflies , singing and dancingeverywhere, make this season a fairy land.At the same time, the weather in spring is neithertoo hot nor too cold. Therefore, people areenergetic and we devote ourselves to the work weenjoy. For example ,it s more efficient forstudents to learn new knowledge and others can bemore concentrated on the assignment.In a word, I like spring best, not only because itsspecial scenery but also because its implication,which stands for the hope.



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