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英语作文写最喜欢的东西 第一段讲你最喜欢 – 手机爱问

2020-09-09 08:03:01

It’s spring now. It’s so quiet that you can even hear a pin drop on the floor. There are no birds on the trees. There are no fish in the rivers. It’s the scenery in QUIET SPRING. This book was written by Aford. It shows our future and also shows our serious environmental affairs. We are cutting down the trees, using medicals and also destroying balance as well. The earth is turning slwer and slower. Everyone is afraid of the spring like that —— withour flowers in the sun, without fishes in the r......

It’s spring now. It’s so quiet that you can even hear a pin drop on the floor. There are no birds on the trees. There are no fish in the rivers. It’s the scenery in QUIET SPRING. This book was written by Aford. It shows our future and also shows our serious environmental affairs. We are cutting down the trees, using medicals and also destroying balance as well. The earth is turning slwer and slower. Everyone is afraid of the spring like that —— withour flowers in the sun, without fishes in the river. We must stand as one and save the earth, to return our human beings a new spring. Thanks to QUIET SPRING as a warning bell to us. It’ s a meaning and also my favourite book.



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