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2020-09-14 17:45:01


100字英语作文初中带翻译篇1 According to Chinese holiday plan, on the seventh day of the New Year, people need to go to work, so on the sixth day, it means a lot of people will go back to the place they work. As Chinese economy develops so fast, more and more people own private cars, they like to drive home. What s more, the highway is free in the certain time, which means there will be more people choose to drive their cars. The truth is that traffic jams happened, my sister witnessed it, she drove home yesterday, it took her almost a day to reach her working city. How terrible it is, she said she would never drove home on the holiday.


100字英语作文初中带翻译篇2 As the semester is over, my teacher starts to make the summary of our study situation. I am so happy because my teacher praises me in front of my classmates. My teacher says that I am her wonderful student, I can also fulfill her expectation and she hope that others students can take me as the example. My teacher s praise is such a great honor for me and I will continue to do the best. People say one is easy to lose himself when he is facing honor, so I will remember these words and keep moving on. I will remind myself not to be proud, there is still a long way for me to go.


100字英语作文初中带翻译篇3 Since I came to middle school, I have to learn so many subjects, at first, I could not catch up with my classmates, I felt so worried. So I decided to keep studying every night. After finishing dinner, I went to my bedroom and did my homework. But when I finished my homework, I forced myself to go over other subjects. Though I was very tired, I still kept studying until midnight. But it did not work, I did not made progress. I talked to my teacher, she told me to relax and had a good rest, I needed to be patient and made progress step by step. I realized my mistake and adjusted my method and it works.

自从我来到中学,我要学习很多科目,起初,我无法赶上我的同学,我感到很担心。所以我决定每天晚上坚持学习。吃完晚餐后,我去卧室,做我的家庭作业。但当我完成了作业后,我强迫自己复习其他科目。虽然我很累,但是仍然一直学习到午夜。但没有收到效果,我没有取得进展。我和我的老师聊天,她告诉我放松,休息好, 我需要耐心,一步一步取得进展。我意识到我的错误,调整了方法,确实奏效了。

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