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2020-09-15 10:30:01

篇一:高一英语作文以健康饮食为主题当今社会中,人已经知道,重要的是保持健康和良好的生活习惯,对于 饮食健康也越来越重视。请以 good eating habits and health 为题 目,写一篇关于好的饮食习惯与健康的作文。请涵盖一下要点。 1.健康的饮食习惯对我们来说很重要。 2.过去,人们生活水平不好,吃的垃圾食品较少,所以很健康。现 在,我们应当多吃蔬菜少吃肉,少吃垃圾食品 。 3.足够的锻炼对我们的身体来说非常的重要,我们应当多运动。 注意: 1. 内容连贯,语法正确。 2. 字数 100 字左右。 in current society, people have known the importance of keeping healthy and good life habit. in the past, people ate three meals at home, and they ate more vegetables and less meat . they were very strong and seldom went to see doctors. now life is better, people eat more meat, fish, eggs and other food with more fat. they often go out for good meals with their families and friends. but they get easy to be ill. and sports play an important role in our diary life. less exercise are bad for health. good rest, less meat and fish, more vegetables and enough exercise are good for health. so i exercise every day. i eat a lot of vegetables. i eat fruit and drink milk every day. i drink a cup of water 15 minutes before each meal and eat much vegetables and fruit. of course, i love junk food, too, and i eat it once a week. and i sleep nine hours every day.篇二:my neighbor 英语写作我的邻居my neighbor sometimes i would recall some people and things of the hamlet where i grew up. mrs. li, my neighbor, is a regular visitor to my mind. she is a middle age woman who is not educated. when she was young, her family was so poor that couldn’t afford her education, so she just can recognize a few words, such as her name, some numbers, and chinese characters engraved on mah jongg. she is as thin as a rake. her figure viewed from behind like a skeleton in human’s clothing. her skin is very yellow and black, and this kind of color is very similar with the color of brass. she has short dark hair. she has two rows of yellowish teeth because she has been smoking for a long time. the yellowish tobacco callus even appeared on the inside skin of index finger and middle finger of her right hand . her clothes seldom suit her because those clothes all from her daughter in law, and most of them is old and unfashionable. however, she never cared about it. she can lose her money in mah jongg, but she never spent money in dressing up herself. she is poor but she like playing mah jongg. it seems that mahjongg are irresistible to her. she would rather take care of the crops when the day began to dawn ,so that she can have the time to play mah jongg during the day. she has two sons. the younger son married a girl from a large city and living in the city with the girl. he seldom come back home to see her. her older son was jailed, because he put a man into a vegetable state. it said that he doubt her wife has an affair with this man. she very admire those people who have daughters, because she believe that daughters are more obedient and more considerate. “it is so good to have a daughter. it’s a pity that i have no a daughter,” she always said when she see a pair of daughter and mother. during those days when her older son just had an accident, she seldom appeared in public, because she felt some people whispering her older son and looking down upon her. in order to make her daughter in law don’t divorce with her older son during he is in prison , she try her best to flatter her daughterin law by giving money. she often borrowed money from others, but no one willing to lend her, because she never pay back things barrowed from others on her own initiative unless others urge her to pay back. the another important reason is that she would rather play mah jongg than find a part time job to earn money. this is my neighbor, a woman who have a pathetic fate can’t get sympathy from others.篇三:高中生活的英语作文配中文翻译 now, my high school life has begun a term. high school gave me the feeling is very much free time. it is not like the junior middle school, all the tasks are required to the teacher arranged after we carry out. high school has a lot of time to myself, but it also need to use them reasonably. 如今,我的高中生活已经开始了一学期。高中给我的感觉是自主支 配的时间非常多。它不像初中,所有的任务都需要老师布置完以后 我们再去执行。高中有大量的时间属于我自己,但这也需要合理的 利用自己的时间。 just entered high school i was not completely adapt to the open learning, and a lot of free time is wasted.but the afterschool activities are very rich, they let me not so lazy. several times after the test, i realized i need to change the learning method. 刚进入高中的时候我还没有完全适应这种开放式的学习,不少空闲 时间被浪费了。不过好在学校的课外活动很丰富,让我不至于那么 懒散。几次测试后,我认识到自己有必要进行学习方法的转变。 first of all, i make a plan every day, and follow it strictly. before going to sleep at night, i will check whether completed, if not complete ill give myself a little punishment, such as play less computer on the weekend. secondly,i`ll prepare the second day course after finishing my homework, if time is very late i will sleep, because of staying up late will affect the second day efficiency in class. 首先,我给自己每天制定一个计划,并且按照它严格的执行。晚上 睡觉前,我会检查是否完成了全部,如果没有完成的就会给自己一 点小惩罚,比如减少周末玩电脑的时间。其次我会在完成作业以后 预习第二天上的课,如果时间已经很晚了我就会直接睡觉,因为熬 夜会影响第二天的听课效率。 in a word, i will often summarized my learning to find problems in a stage . and the good place i did,i will reward myself.i think i have completely like such the high school life. 总之,我会经常总结自己一阶段的学习情况并找出不足。做的不错 的地方我也会给自己奖励。我想我已经完全喜欢上了这样的高中生 活。



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