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2020-09-26 23:30:01


Now, I don t know what words to describe the mood at this moment. I thought 2019 was bad enough, but 2020 seems to be worse.


An unexpected virus hit me, which made me feel uneasy this Spring Festival. The first thing I do every day is to watch the news. In one piece of news, I gradually understand the reason why the Chinese nation can continue to this day, because we have the backbone and spirit of China.www.zuowenla.cn

钟南山院士今年已经84岁的高龄了。本该颐养天年的年纪却选择了临危受命。没有丝毫犹豫,就像当年面对肆虐的非典。匆匆出发,奔赴战场,那一张在地铁的照片,感动了我,也感动了全国人民。今天,看到一个采访,钟南山院士眼含热泪,激动地说: 大家全国帮忙,武汉是能够度过难关的。 下方的评论更是让我不禁泪目: 我不知道院士您为什么会眼含热泪,我只知道这眼泪重若千金,它是老爷子一个人的,也是十四亿人民的。 是的,您不是孤军奋战,您的背后站着的是十四亿的中华儿女!

Academician Zhong Nanshan is 84 years old this year. The age that should have lived for the rest of the world has chosen to take orders in the face of danger. Without any hesitation, it s like facing the SARS. Hurried to the battlefield, that one in the subway picture, touched me, also touched the people of the country. Today, seeing an interview, academician Zhong Nanshan said excitedly with tears in his eyes, with the help of the whole country, Wuhan can get through the difficulties. The comment below made me cry: I don t know why you have tears in your eyes, academician. I only know that the tears are as heavy as gold. It belongs to the old man alone and to the 1.4 billion people. Yes, you are not alone. Behind you are the 1.4 billion Chinese people!

国家主席习近平在1月28日会见世界卫生组织总干事时说: 我相信,只要我们坚定信心,同舟共济,我们一定会战胜这次的疫情。 这一句不仅传达出政府高度自信重视,更传递出了中国精神 坚定信心,同舟共济,众志成城,共克时艰!

Pull together in times of trouble, President Xi Jinping met with WHO director general in January 28th. I believe that as long as we strengthen our confidence and work together, we will overcome this epidemic. This sentence not only conveys that the government attaches great importance to self confidence, but also conveys the Chinese spirit firm confidence, work together in the same boat, unite as one, overcome the difficulties together!


Yesterday, the media reported that residents of several districts in Wuhan were singing the National Anthem together. One person starts, a hundred people and a thousand people are corresponding, singing through the sky. What kind of cohesion, what kind of faith, what kind of unity and mutual trust it is!


Some people say that when facing disasters, the Chinese people will always become extremely united and unmatched. Yes, in the face of the crisis, the Chinese people will really gain great strength because of the incredible cohesion and unity, so as to overcome all difficulties and obstacles.


Our China, our Chinese nation, has really achieved this. The people have faith, the country has strength, and the nation has hope.


In 2020, I m sorry that you started in this way, but I m sure you won t end in this way. Because all the medical staff are united, the governments at all levels are active, the staff perform their duties, and the people obey the command. China as a whole has become a city of unity.


The power of unity is huge, so we who are united and overcome the difficulties together will surely win in the near future.


When spring comes, I believe our motherland will be better and better.


I hope this day will come soon.



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