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2020-09-28 19:40:01



There are 42 students in our class. We are having four ways to go to school. By bike, bus, taxi and on foot.

There are 11 students getting to school on foot, because it’s healthy for us. 16 students go to school by bike, but it’s the most dangerous way.

There are 12 students getting to school by rus. 3 students go to school by taxi, because it’s the most expensive way. How do you get to school?


There are forty desks and chairs in the classroom. There are two black boards on the walls. There are two pictures. My classroom has eleven lights and twelve fans. What color are the fans? They are blue. At the corner, there is a shelf. Many books are on the shelf. I like the books very much.


There are thirty three students in my class. They are all my classmates and friends. Five of them are my good friends. They are Gloria, Lucy, Lilian, Rone, and Dana. We usually study together and play with each other.

We are happy together every day. Gloria is good at math. When I have questions about math, I always look for her help. Dana is good at music. We usually listen to music together. Lucy and I are interested in English. We often study English together. Rone studies geography and history.

Of all the subjects, history is the most difficult to me, so I often ask Rone to help me. We are going to graduate in June. I think I will remember them forever. I also hope that we will stay in touch after we graduate.



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