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2020-09-28 23:45:01

The colorsThere are many colors in our life. They can not only mean different things but also bring us different feelings. Let’s talk about four of them blue, white, orange, yellow.The first is blue. It is a cold color. IT means sadness and harmony. I know most of Americans like blue. However, do the Americans live in harmony with other countries? No, I don’t think so.White is the second. It usually means purity. Maybe thats why the people often say someone is pure just like a piece of white paper.The orange looks active. When you want to cheer people up by picture. You can try to use it. Because it can let us feel happy and warm during sad time.The last one is yellow. It just like the sunshine and a kind mother for them. I think the flowers will like it very much.How interesting the colors are! I don’t know why they can mean so many feelings. But it really makes our life more beautiful. So, I love all of them! What will the life be like without the colors?



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