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2020-09-29 02:10:01


6年级上册所学的4种英语时态各写一篇英语作文. ****** Summer holiday is coming. We are very happy. Because we can play games or visit our friends during the holidays. I decisided to do my homework first. Then I can go shopping and buy many things for my grandmother. I want to go to the town by bus...

用四个英语时态,各写一篇作文六年级水平的,不少于50个单词,带翻译,不准从网上下,一个时态写一个. ****** 我印象中的母校过去时 I am a student studying in a school. IN this school i learned much knowledge,and i made many friends.My friends brought me much happy times. Besides,there are many teachers taught me much knowledge,and i love them.TO sump up,it is my honous to study this school.我先写这几句吧,看下是不是你想要的,可以的话,我可以接着写点.

有关英语四种时态的作文各一篇,谢谢大家了. ****** 答:last week i signed up an english class. on monday, we sang english songs together to practice our oral english. and on tuesday, we saw an english movie, in order that we could improve our listening abilities. we went camping on wednesday, ...

4个时态的作文各两篇****** 之前别人回答过的请问是一般现在时一般过去时现在进行时 和现在完成时么追问是小学的四个时态O∩ ∩O哈哈~回答一般现在时My Low carbon LifeI am a middle school student. I go to school on foot every day. I always remember to turn off the ...

求用四个时态写一篇作文,英语的!!!!!!!!!帮帮忙!!!!!!!!!!!急需!!!!!!!****** This morning my parents asked me to wash my clothes before 12:00am, but the weather is too cold to clean the clothes with hand. So I applied that whether I could use the washing machine this time, unfortunately, my request was rejected by my ...

英语包含四个时态的短文一篇包含一般过去时、一般现在时、现在进行时、一般将来时的英语短文、少于100字、文章、笑话、故事都可以、 作业帮****** I am a student in a Middle School now. I study very hard.Because I want to enter a good university in the future. When I was 7 years old,my mother told me that ”study hard,then you can go to univ...

写一篇英语作文,要四种不同的时态 ****** Last Sunday I went to the park.I was fishing at 8:00 and I was rowing at 10:00.I often go there and I am happy every

用四个时态各写两篇作文,每篇不少于50个单词.要原创****** playing pingpang is my hobby. I began with the sport 2 years ago. During that period, i was playing all my spare time .Other frends say that i was crasy. However, i persist in playing it. Thus, my level is up to a higher standard. i believe i will do well in ...

六年级英语要背的四个时态谁能全写下? ****** 正在进行时:主语+ 动词ing 主语+be doing 一般现在时:主语+do或does 一般过去时:主语+动词过去式 一般将来时:主语+be going+动词原形 主语+will

5篇英语作文4种时态现在进行时,一般将来时,一般过去时,一般现在时1个等级分开写****** 字数有点多,你可以到书店看看新概念二,里面有很多不错的文章能满足你的需求.



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