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我的爱好英语作文5句 关于我的爱好英语作文

2020-09-29 02:10:01

我的爱好英语作文5句 关于我的爱好英语作文

发布时间:2019 01 13 来源: 点击:




Badmintom is a popular hobby in China. It is also my hobby. Since I was child, I have like badmintom. At my childhood , I watch the badmintom copetition on TV, the competition was excing. I first try badmintom in primary school, I didn‘t like it because i often missed . I did‘t realise how important it was to catch badmintom and a ccurate play. I know I wasn‘t playing attention while our teccher was demonstrating how to do it. That time my skill was very bad. I didn‘t like it. Now, I am in Secondary school. When I was at last year. My classmates called me with them to join the badmintom club. they play with the unusual skills, I saw so many tricks there for I like badmintom again.


Different people have different hobbies.For example,someone likes reading,someone likes swimming and someone likes collecting and so on. I used to read books and draw pictures because by reading books I could learn many funny things.But now I don"t like it.I can only learn from books.I couldn"t get knowledge from others.I need a change.Traveling is my favorite hobby now.But I can"t go traveling a lot.I can visit many different places of interest by traveling.I can learn a lot about people,places and history.It"s very interesting.What is your hobby?Let"s share each other! I have many good friends.They all have their hobbies.Ann studies very hard.So her hobby is book reading.Tony loves labour,and his hobby is gardening.He usually plants flowers and trees in his yard.Judy is a quiet girl.She likes knitting.She always knits some sweaters for her dolls.We have different hobbies,but we are good friends. I love traveling.I have great fun in traveling.


I used to read books and draw pictures because by reading books I could learn many funny things.But now I don"t like it.I can only learn from books.I couldn"t get knowledge from others.I need a change. Traveling is my favorite hobby now.But I can"t go traveling a lot.I can visit many different places of interest by traveling.I can learn a lot about people,places and history.It"s very interesting.What is your hobby?Let"s share each other!


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  1. 2022-12-06 21:18谷。小强[河南省网友]IP:736382947
  2. 2022-03-30 06:07神灬寒天[黑龙江省网友]IP:738083079
  3. 2021-03-17 19:20尘北。[天津市网友]IP:1743389581
  4. 2020-03-05 08:32小尼奥[云南省网友]IP:459463831


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