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求 朋友感冒了 需给些建议 的英语作文假如你是Bill 你在美国的朋友Sally身体一直

2020-09-29 04:55:02

优质解答 Dear Sally, It is said that you have a serious cold these days. Please take good care of yourself.I hope you will recover soon. When I have a cold, the doctor tells me to drink more hot water than usual. Hot water is good for your health especially it helps to release the fever. Most importantly, you should go to see a doctor and take some medicine The doctor may tell you to have a rest for a few days. So dont work any more until you are well again.All the best wishes to you.Yours,Bill自己写的,仅供参考哦~

求 朋友感冒了 需给些建议 的英语作文假如你是Bill 你在美国的朋友Sally身体一直不好 这几天有的了重感冒.请你写一封e



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