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2020-09-29 05:00:02

篇一:我的老师 英文作文my good friend hello!my name is he xing shu. i am 12 years old. i have a good friend. she is a beautiful girl with long hair and big eyes . she is tall and thin. everyday,we go to school together and do our homework after school.she is helpful.she often halps me clean my room.she also has many hobbies like reading books,dancing and listening to music.i am very happy to be friend with her. all the above,please guess who is she!篇二:初中英语作文 我的老师初中英语作文:我的老师 我的语文老师姓连,她中等个子,身材十分苗条,皮肤不是很白, 瘦瘦的脸,长头发,鼻子又高又直,她一笑就露出洁白的牙齿。 连老师有一双大大的眼睛,可厉害了,有一次我和后面的李翔说小 话,突然听到老师叫我的名字,我回过头来,看见老师用严厉的目 光看着我,我急忙装作认真的样子,我心想我以后再也不敢讲小话 了。 连老师对工作非常认真负责,每天她都早早地来学校耐心地教我们 读书认字,辅导我们的功课。她的身体不是很好,但是她还是坚持 为我们上课。 连老师对我们的学习要求非常严格,每当我们没完成作业时,不管 是谁她都毫不留情地批评他。记得有一次语文家庭作业是听写词, 我少听了 3 个词语,原以为没什么大不了的,可第二天早晨,她发 现我的作业没有做完,把我叫到讲台上来,一边轻轻地用拍子打我 的手掌心,一边严肃地对我说:以后可一定要按时完成家庭作业呀! 连老师像妈妈一样关心我们,我们都非常尊敬和爱戴她。 my teacher is a language teacher, i even named her medium height, slender build very, very white skin, thin face, long hair. at high straight nose, her smile on his white teeth. teachers have a pair of big eyes, worse, and i have a small back xiang li said, suddenly i heard the name of teacher, i look back and see the teacher uses the eyes looked at me sternly. i anxiously pretend seriously today, i think i will never have dared to make a small case. teachers work very hard for every day she patiently taught us very early to go to school to learn to read. counseling our homework. her health is not very good, but she still adhere to our school. teachers of our study was very strict, whenever we did not complete homework, no matter who she has relentlessly criticized him. as i recall, in a language at home is dictated word, i listened to three little words, thinking no big deal. be next morning, she discovered that i did not finish the work, i go to the podium. she hit me with the paddle while cfs, a serious side to me : we must be completed on time after homework! teachers like my mother showed us we have much respect and love her.篇三:初中英语作文 我的老师初中英语作文:我的老师 我的语文老师姓连,她中等个子,身材十分苗条,皮肤不是很白, 瘦瘦的脸,长头发,鼻子又高又直,她一笑就露出洁白的牙齿。 连老师有一双大大的眼睛,可厉害了,有一次我和后面的李翔说小 话,突然听到老师叫我的名字,我回过头来,看见老师用严厉的目 光看着我,我急忙装作认真的样子,我心想我以后再也不敢讲小话 了。 连老师对工作非常认真负责,每天她都早早地来学校耐心地教我们 读书认字,辅导我们的功课。她的身体不是很好,但是她还是坚持 为我们上课。 连老师对我们的学习要求非常严格,每当我们没完成作业时,不管 是谁她都毫不留情地批评他。记得有一次语文家庭作业是听写词, 我少听了 3 个词语,原以为没什么大不了的,可第二天早晨,她发 现我的作业没有做完,把我叫到讲台上来,一边轻轻地用拍子打我 的手掌心,一边严肃地对我说:以后可一定要按时完成家庭作业呀! 连老师像妈妈一样关心我们,我们都非常尊敬和爱戴她。 my teacher is a language teacher, i even named her medium height, slender build very, very white skin, thin face, long hair. at high straight nose, her smile on his white teeth. teachers have a pair of big eyes, worse, and i have a small back xiang li said, suddenly i heard the name of teacher, i look back and see the teacher uses the eyes looked at me sternly. i anxiously pretend seriously today, i think i will never have dared to make a small case. teachers work very hard for every day she patiently taught us very early to go to school to learn to read. counseling our homework. her health is not very good, but she still adhere to our school. teachers of our study was very strict, whenever we did not complete homework, no matter who she has relentlessly criticized him. as i recall, in a language at home is dictated word, i listened to three little words, thinking no big deal. be next morning, she discovered that i did not finish the work, i go to the podium. she hit me with the paddle while cfs, a serious side to me : we must be completed on time after homework! teachers like my mother showed us we have much respect and love her.



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