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2020-09-29 05:40:01

您的位置:>> > 课外补习班利弊初二英语作文 2019 10 16作者:网友推荐推荐访问: 如今,各种辅导班层出不穷,学生们除了每天繁忙的校园学习外,还要上各种补习班,其实上补习班有利也有害。下面,学识网小编为你整理了课外补习班利弊初二英语作文,希望对你有用!


According to the fact,cram school become more porpular in the modren society.It has clearly benefits,but it also has nagetive view which we cannot ignored.

As the professer who specific analysis this module point out,after take full schedule of a day,to have some fitness club is the best choice to achive more both them physical and mental growth.Be honestly,most of the children does have a positive attitude of their cram scholl,it is consider to take the freedom in their mind.


To schoolmates who like studying,they can acquire more to go to the supplementary class and broad their horizon; To schoolmates who do not like studying,it is a kind of restrict to go to the supplementary class.let them have a good learning atmosphere,avoid non understanding in class and situation where nobody teaches after class,which perhaps also can excavate the potential.

It is no doubt that this kind of life is extremely monotonous,arid and tasteless,which obviously disobey our nature of preferring playing.If there is no adjustment in the life,life will be insipid just as we have vegetables without salty.Therefore,some schoolmates only can secretly play,or while they are studying,they are playing.Simultaneously it also brings many puzzled new question to parents who are in anxiety:children tend to postpone studying always.When the child blind leisure prospect,he was really eager to play.Playing is children s instinct,and also is our eagerness.


Attending a opportunity class may be good but it also has a lot of disadvantages,firstly,lets talk about the advantages of opportunity class.Attending these kinds of class helps you learn more and teaches you more about life,it also helps busy parents take care of their kids.But the main point that parents send their kids to opportunity classes are just because they want their kids to have a better score on tests.

And now its the time for the disadvantages of opportunity class,so you know how much pressure these classes adds to kids?All these home works and test makes people felt very tired and in a bad mood,it s vacation but they still had to go to schools for the third semester.

As a conclusion,I don t think that attending opportunity classes is a good choice for kids,vacation is the time for them to relax,but what we are doing now is pushing them too much,no relaxing but only scores,that isn t really sensible,is it?




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