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英语作文:I Hate Summer我讨厌夏天1

2020-09-29 06:20:01

Three things make me hate summer: air conditioner, rain shower and ice cream. This sounds strange, doesnt it? Well, let me explain. Air conditioners are an absolute necessity in summer. As such they should be a blessing. The trouble is, however, they dont cool the whole sky they only cool one room or building.

So when you walk out of the comfortable air conditioned room into the street, immediately you plunge into a gigantic oven. And the heat is all the more murderous for the cool air youve just enjoyed in the room. Air conditioners are really an enemy in the guise of a friend. Thundershowers are a common thing in summer. They never give you warning in advance. And they tend to come when you dont have an umbrella with you. Every time I get caught in a rain shower I catch cold.

All girls want to have good figures. As a girl, I naturally want to have a good figure. But how can I keep a good figure if I eat a lot of ice cream? Yet who can resist a delicious dish of vanilla or strawberry ice cream in summer? One more spoonful and I will probably put on one more pound. So can you honestly expect me to love summer?



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