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2020-10-12 14:35:01

M7九、书面表达(15 请你根据提示,为班级做一个晚自习前纪律检查情况的汇报:1.多数学生在学习 2.李磊在和王红说笑 3.张强在擦黑板 4.杨栋坐在教室前的草地上。 5.李红拿着杯子坐在窗旁。 6.突然,张强从黑板旁边跑过。 九、Good morning, everyone! Here myreport yesterday:Before eveningclass, most students were studying. Li Lei WangHong were talking laughing.Zhang Qiang blackboard.Yang Dong classroom.Li Hong cup.Suddenly, Zhang Qiang ran past blackboard.M8 Accident为题写一篇短文,包含以下词汇:one day, when,try to.,though虽然。80 词左右。 AccidentOne sunny afternoon, when ridinghome, heard“Help! Help!”. aboutfive riverstruggling. water,swam draggedhim riverbank. boysaid he fishnear riverbank carelesslyfell askedhim where his home senthim home. “Thank you very much!” boy’sparents said when lefthis home. Though gothome late veryhappy. M9 九、书面表达(15分) 结合本模块所学知识,从自己的切身感受出发,以“Problems caused increasingpopulation 题,写一篇有关人口增长引发的问题的短文。要求:80个词左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Problems caused increasingpopulation Nowadays, becominglarger world。Problems caused increasingpopulation Nowadays, becominglarger moreproblems lessfood eat.So some people poorareas evendie hunger.Second citiesbecome bigger morepeople have owncars. causesmuch more air pollution noisepollution. Third, lessenergy use.So we should try our best happierlife. M10 九、书面表达(15 假如你的名字叫Daming,你的笔友(Mary)写信告诉你要来你的家乡度假,请你给她回信,并告诉她你家乡的天气情况和最适当的旅游时间等相关信息。 Dear Mary, How gladyou myhometown. hasdifferent weather differentseasons. wethere. Sometimes cool.We can see flowerseverywhere. toohot. wecan eat watermelons sometimeswe can see snow.Which season do you like best? youdecide when come,please let me know. M11 九、书面表达(15 differentcountries. veryimportant polite,especially speaking firsttime yourfriends’ home China,you’d better have someonegives you present,you should accept bothhands. You mustn’t open presentimmediately. M12 九、书面表达(15 earthquake,what we should do?要求至少六条 Inside jumpout highbuildings. Hideunder table.Stay away from windows heavyfurniture. Keep clear buildingquickly when groundstops shaking, Keepcalm,especially when you otherpeople. helpful.Outside Moveaway from buildings, because parts buildingmay fall standnear street lights underpower lines. Stayaway from bridges mountains,becareful fallingrocks. beach,runaway from movequickly higherground. short,followwhat you learnt school.You can youcan also help save others. 期末测试 九、书面表达(15 你的网友Sally将于2014 30日来中国和你一起度过春节。这是她第一次来中国,所以她对中国春 节的风俗知之甚少。请你给她发一封电子邮件,告诉她有关中国春节的风俗,并简要介绍本地的天气,让 她带上旅游的必需品。词数在70 左右,开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Sally, amso excited SpringFestival me.Spring Festival mostimportant festival eveningbefore SpringFestival, families get together bigmeal. manyplaces people like setoff firecrackers. Dumplings mosttraditional food. Children like festivalvery much, because canhave delicious food wearnew clothes. canalso get some money from goodluck. People put New Year scrolls goodfortune. SpringFestival lasts about 15 days. People visit relatives words“Haveall your wishes”. People enjoy SpringFestival. During canhave goodrest. coldhere, because winternow. When you arrive here, you must wear more clothes. Best wishes! Best wishes! Yours,Jenny



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