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I Can 英语作文

2020-10-12 18:15:01

When you were a child, you must have been taught that you should be confident. So,when being asked whether you could do it or not,you always said "I can" without hesitation. However, while the time passing by, you becomes shier. You doubted my answer to the question; you doubted ur ability to life. You just cant find ur confidence any more because u can always find somebody who is much better than u. However, is that one really more perfect than u? No! What u shold do is just say"I can do better than him". you can prove myself even if u am not correct.At least u can have a chance to present urself. So, just believe yourself, take a deep breath, tell the world "You can do it.You can better than anybody else." Yes, I can.



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