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写一篇英语作文 是myschoollife我的校园生活50词.

2020-10-13 21:00:01

When I first went into the school gate,see my new classroom and teachers,I thought I would have a new start.The school life is very busy and exciting.There are many activities in our school,such as sports meeting,science week and art week.We all take an active part in it.I have made many new friends,and we often help and learn from each other,in the study of.Our teacher told us a lot of.They not only teach us how to learn,but also teach us how to be a useful person in society.They tell us,is a thing is worth doing,it is worth doing well and many other things.Habit is a second nature,therefore,teachers often remind us to make a good habit.People often say:there is no real learning.Now I think,this is the fact.The study now is far more different than before.I often feel that there are some very difficult to understand a.At this time,you have to spend a lot of time to learn,by yourself or you will not progress.Of course,studies it is difficult but as you progress,youll find interesting is,.Our school is clean and beautiful.There are many trees and flowers around.In order to make our school more and more beautiful we should try our best to keep it clean.Do not throw garbage,on the ground.Our members Songpu high school.Today we are pound of PU,Pu tomorrow will prounded us



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