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2020-10-16 23:30:01

Last spring,my mother and I go to climb the mountain,we came to the hill,saw a small pond,there are a lot of little tadpole,mom and I caught it catch,finally caught!After returning home,I put the tadpoles fall into my small fish tank,I have put some soil in the pelvic floor,put some water in the water in the water.At the moment,the little tadpoles are hungry,wanted to think,I put some cooked rice and cooked egg yolk,watching them eat like wolves and tigers eat,I can be happy!Good times dont last long,I have not long,because of my carelessness,tadpole not long legs,but also died a few,it makes me sad for a long time,so,I was more careful to take care of the rest of the tadpoles.,in the care of me,not long after,the tadpoles grow back,I have more confidence!Pays off,after several weeks,the small tadpole forelegs are out,I was hardly music.Slowly,their tails gradually reduced,the original fat thin body also has a lot of.One day,I wake up in the morning is unable to hold oneself back to have a look the tadpoles,huh?Why do I not see?Oh.They grow up,do not want to stay in water,are climbing the wall!I put the water away,theyre jumping around in the bottom,is a very lovely!Look at me personally a little frog,I feel very happy,have a strong sense of achievement,this kind of feeling!去年春天,我和妈妈去爬山,我们来到了山上,看见一个小池塘,里面有好多只小蝌蚪,妈妈与我抓呀抓,终于抓到了! 回家后,我便把蝌蚪们倒进了我的小鱼缸里,我特地在盆底撒了一些泥土,还在水中水中放了一些水草.这会儿,小蝌蚪们肯定饿了,想了想,我就放了一些熟米和熟鸡蛋黄,看它们狼吞虎咽的吃着,我可高兴了!好景不长,我养了没多久,由于我的粗心,小蝌蚪不但没有长出腿,反倒还死了几只,这令我伤心了好久,于是,我更加细心地照料剩下的蝌蚪.,在我的细心照料下,没过多久,小蝌蚪就长出了后腿,我更加有信心了!皇天不负有心人,几周后,小蝌蚪的前腿也长出来了,我乐得合不拢嘴.慢慢地,它们的尾巴渐渐的缩短了,原来胖胖的身体也瘦了很多.一天,我早上起床后就迫不及待的去看看小蝌蚪,怎么不见了?哦!原来它们长大了,不想在水里呆,都爬到缸壁上了呢!我就把水倒掉了,它们在缸底跳来跳去,真是可爱极了! 看着我亲手养的小青蛙,我心里无比的高兴,有一种强烈的成就感,这种感觉好极了!希望对你有所帮助.



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