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2020-10-20 22:55:01

In life we all have to go through failure, but failure is terrible, just keep an optimistic attitude, can overcome difficulties.

Who will be failure, some people give up after failure, however, some people maintained an optimistic attitude, fell to climb up from there. If you ask I will choose which one, I will choose the latter. If you dont believe it, then read on!

Remember once the mid term examination, it may be because I am not serious, to solve the problem that the result is not ideal. Looking at the award winning students happily accept, my heart is envy and regret, regret not serious. If I had some seriously, I am the one can stand on the podium. At this moment, I slammed the thought of "optimistic" this two word, I thought: in fact also nothing important, just a test, the next effort. So, I began to study strenuously. Finally, the next time the mid term exam, I won the first place. Although this is just a simple two words optimism, however, some people have no choice, so there is no success. But some people choose optimism and success. Like a famous writer Helen Keller, although she had polio, and dont move, however, she chose the optimism, the final success.

In the pessimistic peoples eyes, things could have been successful as it do not succeed. But in the eyes of an optimist, otherwise might not succeed, they also can do a good job. This is the biggest different optimists and pessimists. In outstanding people, it is easy to find, in failure, we can easily find pessimistic. Therefore, we must be optimistic and optimistic will bring you success.



记得有一次期中考试,可能因为我做题时不认真,那次的成绩不太理想。看着那些获奖的同学们高高兴兴的领奖,我心里又羡慕又后悔,后悔当初不认真。如果当时我认真一些,可能站在领奖台上的人就是我了。这时,我猛的想起了“乐观”这俩个字,我就想:其实也没什么,只是一次考试而已,下次努力就行了。于是,我开始发奋学习。终于,在下一次的期中考试中,我获得了第一名。虽然这只是简单的两个字——乐观,但是,有些人就没有选择乐观,因此没有成功。但是有的人选择了乐观,从而获得了成功。就像的作家海伦 凯勒一样,她虽然得了小儿麻痹症,下身完全不能动了,但是,她选择了乐观,最后走向了成功。





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