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雅思A类大作文全球真题:购物塑料袋带来的污染 2018

2020-10-20 02:00:01

However, not all plastic bags are non recyclable. Those above a certain thickness do not tear and are easily visible and, hence, they can be responsibly disposed and recycled. Governments should enforce strict regulations in these cases so that plastics are regularly recycled and do not stay in the ecosystem. In the absence of severe regulation, people will continue to flout the recycling and minimum thickness norms. If these are properly recycled, this will not only reduce the mountain of plastic waste at various dumping grounds but also reduce pollution of river and well as groundwater pollution.

In conclusion, though plastic bags are non biodegradable, we cannot impose a blanket ban on plastic bags of all thickness. If plastic bags below a certain thickness are banned and those above it are recycled, this will result in an environmentally sustainable world while serving the daily needs of humanity.

Plastic bags are considered as the major contributor in the world’s litter. It is believed that a complete restriction on the usage of plastic bags assists curtailing water and land pollution. I strongly believe imposing strict ban aids in pollution reduction at water as well as land.

To begin with, Plastic bags have a major contribution in land pollution due to its biodegradable nature. This is because it takes thousands of years to get it demolished completely. Nowadays every household items are wrapped in plastic bags. Consequently, more supply and longer time to recycle leads to incline in rubbish at land. For instance, a news report last month revealed that 70% increase in the usage of plastic bags has been observed in INDIA since 2010, which contributes to 60% of the total rubbish. Thus, imposing a complete ban on the usage of plastic is the major way in litter reduction.

Furthermore, Water bodies are majorly impacted by the plastic waste because plastic broken into small pieces are carried to oceans by the natural agents such as rain or wind. This will not only impact the marine life but also elevates the sea levels. Most of the marine life ingest plastic substances and this will eventually lead to their deaths. As a result, its deadly bodies contributes more water pollution. Moreover, the occurrence of plastic in water bodies raise the temperature of water bodies, consequently, assist in melting more glaciers. For example, A recent survey in the Guardian states that rate of melting the glaciers have reported 30% higher in 2017 as compared to 2014. Therefore, increased global warming and climate change are observed in last decade.

To recapitulate, increase in the usage of plastic bags have resulted in more land pollution due to its non biodegradable factor and also costs the extinction of marine life and assisting global warming as a result of water pollution. I reckon, imposing a strict ban on the plastic bags is the only effective solution to alleviate the pollution.

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