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2020-10-20 13:30:01

For graduates,with the approach of graduation,seeking a job is increasinglybecoming the overriding concern.In view of that,we should make provisions forit ahead of time lest we should encounter a dilemma and have to adopt a seriesof purposeless flurry of action.Connected with this point,career planning is anessential part of one’s career.Here,I will express my view about it.

To sumup,there are four points we should not dismiss.First,as we all know,stronginterest engenders motivation for both working and studying.In this case,inpursuit of an ideal career,interest should be viewed as the priority over allother factors.We must be fully acquainted with what appeals to us.It is insaneto follow the herd or take in others’ advice without reflection.In addition tothe aforementioned,we should master the latest information from talentmarket.Only by doing so,can we appropriately integrate interest and market needtogether,thereby fulfilling ambition.Another,we’d better regard our currentmajor as serious,despite the fact that ultimate career is often irrelevant toit.If we find the major boring indeed,at least,we can engage in some coursesthat suit personal taste and obtain some certificates that may speak of one’scapacity.Making an objective assessment of our capacity and setting a practical goal is noteworthy as well.It isalmost true that diligence is the first merit leading to success.So,I feel itridiculous of those who have aspiration but only squander value time ontrivialities and merely take boredom of major as an excuse for laziness.

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  1. 2021-03-11 16:17茶不离 ☕[四川省网友]IP:3720478772


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