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求100字左右的 英语作文20篇

2020-10-20 21:05:01

>> 求100字左右的 英语作文20篇

分类: 日期:2016 12 12 点击399

介绍自己 hello everybody,my name is...i am...年龄Now I study in ...high school。 I live a beautiful city named XX, where I was born. At school, Im fund of sports and computer. I think there are some people loving computer like me. Although the computer is very difficult, I really like it. I believe anything can be done if working hard. Sometimes Id love to play basketball, but Im a new fish of it. Besides, Im crazy about surfing the Internet and reading online. I like a thing unallowed, but I just love it.i also love english,i think with all my confidence and efforti could be an english teacher someday.that is all,thank you



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