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英语寒假见闻 求写

2020-10-25 08:10:01

The interesting things in My winter vacation My winter vacation impressed me very much,because of my favorite festival——spring festival.I have received a lot of lucky money from my parents and grandparents .And I have saved them in bank.All of my families were playing pokers on Chuxi night,and I won a lot of money,its my happiest night in this vacation . But there are some things make me unhappy ,its the homework ,its too much and difficult to made me have no time to play with my friends, Im excepting the coming summer vacation,I hope we can have less homework the next time译文: 我的寒假给我的印象很深,因为我最喜欢的节日 春节.我已经从我的父母和祖父母那里收到了很多压岁钱.我已经存到银行了.我们家所有人都在除夕通宵玩扑克牌,我赢了很多钱,这是我最快乐的晚上,在这个假期. 但也有一些事情让我不开心,这是家庭作业,它太多,让我没有时间跟我的朋友一起玩, 我期待下一次暑假的到来,我希望下一次功课能少些.



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