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2020-10-26 15:15:05

Known as the father of the Franklin American,and his outstanding achievements,which is his first visit was not unrelated. Time,Franklin to visit an older home.One door,his head on the hard to hit the door,the pain he could not to rub his hands,while looking at the low than the normal standard door.Out to meet him this pair of predecessors like to see him,smile,said: "Pain,right?However,this would be to visit you today,my biggest gain.A safe place to live in the world,we must always remember the bow.This is also to teach me the things you Do not forget the " Franklin put as the biggest harvest visit,firmly bear in mind the teachings of the older generation lived,and to include it in the lives of his life among the criteria. Inspiration Life are the virtues of modesty and prudence.A mature person,there is the achievements of people,such an essential character,they are advised to bow their heads,tolerance,not arrogance.This may be a lot of successful people of the United States and Germany. 被称为美国人之父的富兰克林,一生功绩卓绝,这与他的一次拜访不无关系. 一次,富兰克林到一位前辈家拜访.一进门,他的头就狠狠地撞在了门框上,疼得他一边不住地用手揉搓,一边看着比正常标准低矮的门.出来迎接他的前辈看到他这副样子,笑笑说: “很痛吧?可是,这将是你今天来访问我的最大收获.一个人要想平安无事地活在世上,就必须时时刻刻记住‘低头’.这也是我要教你的事情,不要忘记了” 富兰克林把这次拜访看成最大的收获,牢牢忘记住了前辈的教导,并把它列入他一生的生活准则之中. 启示 谦虚谨慎是做人的美德.一个成熟的人,有成就的人,必备此种品格,宜低头、忍让,而非自高自大.这也许是许多成功人士之美德



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