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写一次你认为最有趣或最有意义的一次旅行 在那儿所发生的事情等 字数在60词左右的短

2020-10-26 15:35:02

This winter holiday,I went to HK ,spending a wonderful time there .Being curious and exciting ,the first scene i saw was double deck bus.Exactly ,double deck buses everywhere.Then i saw what I think can most represent HK’s specialist ,“air billboards” .Limited by its super tiny geographic conditions,HK residents come up with a unique advertisements idea to solve the problem.Billboards hanging over the buildings is both practical and imaginative.I also saw the sign of ICACIndependent Commission Against Corruption廉政公署.I guess many officials in the mainland are not so pleased to visit HK because they cant enjoy so called Priority and bureaucracy in HK which is one of the most legal city in the worldthere are so many memories i wanna talk about,it was really a wonderful journey in HK.超过60字了.我节选自原创作文的.

写一次你认为最有趣或最有意义的一次旅行 在那儿所发生的事情等 字数在60词左右的短文.用英语写作业帮



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