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2020-10-27 06:30:01

1. freezing adj. 严寒的,寒冷的

e.g. The weather in Beijing at this time of year is freezing.

I am freezing because the temperature is minus 30 degrees Celsius.

拓freeze v. (使)结冰,(使)冻住 froze frozen

e.g. When the temperature is below zero, water will freeze.

When did you froze the meat?

2. degree n. 度,级别;程度;学位

e.g. bachelor degree 学士学位

The temperature is three degrees Celsius.

拓 to a degree 在一定程度上

e.g. I agree with you to a degree.

3. shine v. 照耀 shone shone

e.g. The sun shines brightly.

The moon is shining.

4. brightly adv. 晴朗地

e.g. Her eyes shine brightly.

拓 bright adj. 明亮的,聪明的

e.g. The sunshine is so bright that I have forgotten the chilly weather. He is bright and he also works hard.

5. forecast n. & v. 预测、预报

e.g. weather forecast 天气预报

The weather forecast says it will be sunny tomorrow.

I tried to forecast the result of the football match.

6. get away from 离开,逃脱 e.g. I want to get away from the city life.

Marry wants to get away from the freezing weather.

拓 get rid of 摆脱

e.g. Jason wants to get rid of these books.

7. as soon as 一…就…

e.g. I will call you as soon as I get home.

As soon as we arrived here, we could feel the warm weather.

8. pour down 倾盆而下

e.g. Water poured down the wall from the roof.

Rain started to pour down.

9. Its no wonder that…. 难怪…

e.g. They are good actors. Its no wonder that they have many fans.

Jack has been working so hard. Its no wonder that he won the first place in the exam.

10. long for 渴望

e.g. Mary longs for a trip to Europe.

I am longing for travelling with her.

拓look forward to 期待

e.g. I am looking forward to having dinner with you.


一.判断下列动词是vt 还是vi.

1.These plants are growing well.

1.These plants are growing well.


解析:虽然后面接了“well”,但“well”只是修饰“growing”的副词,表示植物生长得很好,不是动作的承受者,所以做vi. 2.The pen writes easily.




1.Please help me my cat while I’m away.

A.look after(照顾) B.look out(小心)

C.look for(寻找) D.look at (看着)



2.Don’t the radio. The baby is sleeping.

A.turn off (关掉) B.turn on (打开)

C.turn over (翻转) D.turn down(调小)


释义:不要打开收音机。宝宝正在睡觉。 3.My mother asked me to earlier tomorrow.

A.put up (提出) B.eat up (吃光)

C.grow up(长大) D.get up (起床)


释义:妈妈让我明天早点儿起床。 4. When are you Huashan Mountain, Bill? I will go there next week.

A.leaving 离开) B. arriving at (到达,接“小地点”)

C..reaching (到达) D.leaving for (动身前往)




5.I can’t go with you because I have to my baby at home.

A.take off 起飞,脱衣服 B.take away 拿走

C.take care of 照顾 D.take care 选项不正确,正确搭配见C 选项 答案:C




三.改错. 1.My father will arrive Beijing tonight.

答案:arrive 改为 arrive in

解析:arrive 为vi, 不能直接接动作承受者,需要借助介词. arrive in+大地点,arrive at+小地点,Beijing 为大地点,所以用arrive in连接。 2.Ruby received to a letter yesterday.

答案:把to 去掉

解析:receive 为vt, 能直接接动作承受者,不需要借助介词。 3.Mary reached to Guangzhou yesterday.

答案:把to 去掉

解析:reach 为vt, 能直接接动作承受者,不需要借助介词。 做错的题目要多看多思考多分析,下次不要再出错了哟! 三、寒假语法2“句子成分分析1”的常见错题解析。 首先请自己动笔做一遍以下10道经典习题吧:

一. 划出下面句子的主语

1. Is it raining? 2. It’s no use thinking about the future

3. It’s a good idea for us to go swimming.

4. There is much oil on the sea.

二 找出下列句子的主谓宾(若句子无宾语,请在横线上写/)

1. Danny laughed happily over there.

2. DJ worried about her husband.

3. They arrived in London last week.


1. His pet died.

2. My best friend left for Shanghai.

3. Michael put on a special coat.


答案:主语为代词it ;

解析:it 代指天气。

答案:主语为动名词thinking about the future;

解析:英语用法习惯,为了避免头重脚轻,借助形式主语It, 把真正的主语放在句子后面。

答案:主语为动词不定式 to go swimming;

解析:英语用法习惯,为了避免头重脚轻,借助形式主语It, 把真正的主语放在句子后面。

答案:主语为名词oil 解析:句子中说明的主要对象是石油。


二 找出下列句子的主谓宾(若句子无宾语,请在横线上写/)

1. Danny laughed happily over there.

解析:(主语是名词Danny, 谓语是不及物动词 laughed )

2. DJ worried about her husband.

解析:(主语是名词DJ, 谓语是不及物动词加上介词worried about, 宾语是 her husband )

3. They arrived in London last week.

解析:(主语是代词They, 谓语是不及物动词加上介词arrived in, 宾语是 London )


三.分析下列句子结构 1. His pet died.

解析:主语(S )是His pet, 谓语是不及物动词(Vi. ) died,


2. My best friend left for Shanghai.

解析:主语(S )是My best friend, 谓语是不及物动词(Vi. )left 加上介词(Prep. )for, 宾语(O )是Shanghai, 故为主谓宾结构。

3. Michael put on a special coat.

解析:主语(S )是Michael, 谓语是及物动词(Vt. )put, 宾语(O )是a special coat, 故为主谓宾结构。值得注意的是,on 在这里不是介词,而是副词。


1. experience v./n. 经历,体验



e.g. Elle hasmuch teaching experience.

Mary has many travel experiences to othercountries.

拓experienced adj. 经验丰富的

e.g. Mike is an experienced surfer.

2. develop v. 发展,开发

e.g. Students developed their reading skills during this term.

The governmentwants to develop natural resources. 拓developed adj. 发达的

developing adj. 发展中的

development n. 发展

e.g. China is a developing country, while the USA is a developed country. The development of a country depends on its education.

3. custom n. 习俗(可数名词)

e.g. Different countries have different customs.

Eating dumplings is the custom of the Spring Festival.

4. ring v. 按铃,敲钟 n. 戒指,铃声

e.g. The telephone rang when I left my room.

Let me show you this ring.

拓ring sb. = call sb. 给某人打电话

e.g. Ill ring you if I want to go swimming.

5. aim v. 打算,瞄准 n. 目标

e.g. What is your aim in life?

拓aim to do sth. 打算做某事

e.g. Tony aims to be a doctor in the future.

6. draw v. 吸引

e.g. The Spring Festival draws many visitors to China every year.

拓1draw one’sattention 吸引某人的目光

拓2过去式及过去分词 draw drew drawn

e.g. Her beautiful eyes draw my attention.

7. involve v. 涉及,包括

e.g. This book involves many interesting travel experiences.

Elle’s hobbies involve reading andswimming.

拓be involved in 被卷入,陷入

e.g. Those two countries are involved in a war.

8. entertain v. 娱乐,招待

e.g. Jim watches TV to entertain himself.

My mom always entertainsme with funny stories

拓entertainment n. 娱乐

e.g. Changlong is one of the entertainment centers in Guangzhou.

9. depend on 依靠,依赖,取决于

e.g. We depended on our parents when we were young, but we should dependon ourselves when we grow up.

Whether we can go swimming or not tomorrowdepends on the weather.

10. take place 发生

辨析take place 强调有计划的发生; happen 强调偶然发生

e.g. Jane’s wedding will take place in Paris next month.

A car accident happened in Guangzhou yesterday.



1. The water cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise.

A.was felt B.is felt C.felt D.feels 2. He shook his head and looked when he knew the bad news.

A.sadly;sadly B.sad;sad C.sadly;sad D.sad;sadly

3.The cloth that she bought looks ,feels and sells .

A.beautiful;soft;well B.beauty;softly;well

C.beautifully;softly;good D.beautiful;soft;good

4.Put the milk in the fridge, or it will bad.

A.turn B.grow C.go D.get

5.Listen! The music great.

A.is sounding B.sound C.sounds D.sounded


1.Look !The old man 似乎)deaf.

2.The juice 品尝)terrible.

3.James 长)taller than Eric.

4.You must 保持)healthy.

5.Traffic lights will 变)green soon.



1.The water cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise.

A.was felt B.is felt C.felt D.feels


解析:本题考查感官系动词的用法。感官系动词没有被动语态,所以可以排除A 和B 两个选项,C 和D 只有时态上的不同,可以看到原句中“jumped”表示的是过去时,所以选择C 选项。

2.He shook his head and looked when he knew the bad news.

A.sadly;sadly B.sad;sad C.sadly;sad D.sad;sadly


解析:shook 是shake 的过去式(shake shook shaken ),shake 是一个动词,应该用副词修饰,而look 在原句是一个系动词,接形容词作表语。所以第一个空填副词sadly ,第二个空填形容词sad ,所以选择C 选项。

3.The cloth that she bought looks ,feels and sells .

A.beautiful;soft;well B.beauty;softly;well

C.beautifully;softly;good D.beautiful;soft;good


解析:原句中的look 和feel 都为感官系动词,接形容词作表语,sell 是一个动词,应该用副词修饰,所以第一个空填形容词beautiful ,第二个空填形容词soft ,第三

个空填副词well ,正确答案为A 选项。整句话的意思是:她买的这块布看上去很漂亮,摸上去很舒服并且卖得很好。

4.Put the milk in the fridge, or it will bad.

A.turn B.grow C.go D.get


解析:本题考查变化系动词的区别。原句中划线部分后面接的是“bad”,表示朝坏的方向变化应该用“go”,所以选择C 选项。

5.Listen! The music great.

A.is sounding B.sound C.sounds D.sounded


解析:感官系动词没有进行时,所以排除A 选项。“listen!”表示“听!”,表示现在,所以用一般现在时,排除D 选项。“The music”作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数,所以正确答案是C 。


1.Look !The old man 似乎)deaf.


解析:“seem”是“似乎”的意思,由“look!”可知应该用现在时,“The old man”作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数,所以正确答案为“seems”。

2.The juice 品尝)terrible.


解析:“taste”是“品尝”的意思,“The juice”作主语,“juice”是不可数名词,谓语动词用第三人称单数,所以正确答案为“tastes”。

3.James 长)taller than Eric.


解析:划线部分后面接的是“taller”,表示成长发展过程中的变化,应该用grow ,而原句中“James”作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数,所以正确答案为“grows”。

4.You must 保持)healthy.

答案:keep / stay

解析:keep healthy和stay healthy为固定搭配,都表示“保持健康”。

5.Traffic lights will 变)green soon.





第六讲——句子成分分析2 答案与解析:

一. 找出下面句子的表语

1. The best time to go there is between June and August.

答案:between June and August

解析:is 是系动词,between June and August是介词短语做表语。

2. I felt lucky to meet you.


解析:feel 是系动词,后跟形容词lucky 做表语。lucky to meet you不符合表语的四种组成成分,所以不是表语。

3. The cat is getting fatter and fatter.

答案:fatter and fatter

解析:此题容易错误以为getting fatter and fatter是表语,其实这里getting 是系动词get 的进行时。(需注意系动词只有感官系动词无现在进行时。)

4. Kakas hobby is growing roses.

答案:growing roses

解析:grow 作为变化系动词时候,表示“长得怎样”。此题grow 表示种植,is 才是系动词,growing roses是表语。

5. We should always keep healthy.

答案: healthy

解析:keep 是持续系动词,后跟healthy 形容词做表语。

二 .分析下列句子结构

1. My favourite singer is Jay Chow.


解析:我最喜爱的歌手是周杰伦。My favourite singer 是主语,is 是系动词,Jay Chow


2. Elle took care of her son.


解析:Elle 照顾她儿子。Elle 是主语, took care of 是完整的谓语,her son是宾语。找出动作发出者和承受者,是此题做题关键。

3. A car accident happened yesterday.


解析:A car accident是主语,happened 是不及物动词做谓语, yesterday 不是动作承受者,所以此题无宾语。

4. Jane became a pilot.


解析:became 作为变化系动词,提示此题结构是主系表。Jane 是主语,became 是系动词,a pilot是名词做了表语。

5. Wing looked for her cat.


解析:Wing 是主语, looked for是不及物动词加介词做谓语,her cat是动作承受者即宾语。



预防火灾作文 关于敬老院的作文 点亮作文 写三清山的作文 珍惜生命600字作文 天子山作文 自媒体作文800字 初一年级作文 关于秋的作文 作文小猫200字 英语说明文作文 温暖为主题的作文 季节的作文300字 假如我是什么作文500字 烧饭作文 不朽的青春作文 霍金素材高中作文素材 山东春季高考作文 与大自然对话作文 处处留心皆学问作文 一百个字的作文 色彩作文 下雪的情景作文 乡味作文600字 观察枫叶作文 给予作文800字 作文什么变了500字 漫画老师作文20篇 春天赏花作文300字 英语作文批改评语