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写一篇你经历过的一件事 说明生活是美好的英语作文 不少于60个字 谢谢

2020-10-27 09:55:01

Touching the neighbor child is spring peaceful, is a blind child. Spring has come, on plot green space flowered numerous leaf cyclopentadiene.The peach blossom has opened, the everflowering rose opened.The rich flower fragrance is attracting peacefully.This little girl, all day in flower fragrance average company. Morning, I do on the green space trail hold, shuttles back and forth peacefully in the flowering shrubs.She walks very much smoothly, not little rough.Stops peacefully down in front of an everflowering rose.She stretches out both hands slowly, under the flower fragrance guidance, extends extremely accurately to one is moistening the dewdrop everflowering rose.I must shout nearly made noise, because on that everflowering rose, was stopping a variegated butterfly. The peaceful finger closes up quietly, has tied that butterfly unexpectedly, really is a miracle! Opened the eyes the eye butterfly to hold by this blind girls mysterious intelligence.The butterfly kicks in between hers finger, on the peaceful face has filled surprised.This is a brand new experience, the peaceful mind arrived she has not experienced completely the place. I calmly stand in the one side, looks peacefully.I as if saw her colorful inner world, the flash, I deeply am being moved deeply. In the spring deep place, thin thin is feeling the spring scenery peacefully.For a long time, she opened the finger, the butterfly flashes the wing to fly away, supinely began peacefully looks around.On this moment peaceful heart, delimits certainly a beautiful arc, the butterfly has delimited an extremely exquisite curve in she eight year old life, is recounting the soaring concept. I have not alarmed peacefully.Everybody has the life right, everybody may create one to belong to own riotous world.Morning curls which in this delicate fragrance, tells me peacefully such truth. (翻译为英文的《触摸春天》)



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