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2020-10-28 06:45:01


20年后的我英语作文一 Perhaps,my idea on the life in 20 years is quite different from the others.I would like to say that we will have a very miserable life in the 20 years while the other people are dreaming about the future in the same 20 years.

It is very clear that we will be living in 2031 in 20 years.And it is very common for most of people to think about the life in an optimistic way.

But on the contrary,I insist that we will use up all the natural resources,like oil,coal and gas burried underground.We will have no energy,at least,no such cheap energy like we are using today in 20 years.

And the traffic,communication,banking and our daily life will be totally a mess!Sometimes,people would not like to predict the black side of the future until we have to face with it.That will be terrible and dangerous.So what do you think.

20年后的我英语作文二 Twenty years later, at that time, I may be a people s teacher. I will study hard, study a lot of good teaching methods, to make my students to master the knowledge better and faster, relaxed and happy.

I will use my diligent brush, teaching, to write more beautiful life.

I will hold my painting exhibition in all parts of the country, set up calligraphy class, and cultural exchanges more and more foreign friends, make our country calligraphy culture spread and move towards the world.

I will use my painting and calligraphy income to fund the impoverished students in mountainous areas, enabling them to better complete their studies.

Twenty years later no matter what I do, all need to culture and knowledge.

20年后的我英语作文三 Everyone has his own dream, I also have a dream and i try my best to realize it .

When i was young ,I plant to be a singer.Because I like singing very much .So I practice singing every day.20 years later ,I am going to be a famous singer .People all over the world will know me .But i am going to do a lot of work every day

In the moring ,I have to practice singing ,because i want to sing better and better .

And in the eveing, I have to join some party.SometimesI am going to hold my own contests.

So the job is a little hard.But I won t care .Because it s my dream to became a singer.

I hope my dream will come true!

20年后的我英语作文四 In 20 years later, I with my talents to benefit the human, in the endless desert I sow the seeds, and my rapid growth liquid make the desert into an oasis. I came to the dirty river, went to the river and the evolution potion make originally stinking creek on the bottom. Let the small fish swimming, let dragonfly flying over the river.

I went to the river bank, planted all kinds of plants, let a butterfly, let the bird fly freely in the sky, let the animals chased down. I came to the atmosphere, let my robot evolution in the air.

I went to the road, the car turned them into no vent solar fly, let people breathe the fresh air. I went to the mountains, let it become the paradise of people. I went to the hospital, give each of the magic of the doctor can cure all ills. Let every patient recovery.

Sure my wish will come true!









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