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如何管理时间? How to Manage Our Time?

2020-10-31 15:45:01

is known to us all, the most precious thing in the world is nothing but“today”. Therefore, it is necessary and significant for us to manage our timeefficiently. There are some suggestions and methods to manage our time.我们大家都知道世界上最珍贵的东西不是别的而是今天。因此,有效的管理我们的时间是很有必要和意义的。有一些管理时间的建议和方法。First,the most important thing is to know and understand how we have spent andmanaged our time before. Only in this way can we know in which we have wastedour time. We can do this by sorting out all things we do every day and thenselect the necessary thing and the wasted time.首先,最重要的是要了解我们之前是如何度过和管理我们的时间。只有用这种方式我们才明白我们已经浪费我们的时间了。我们可以通过整理我们每天做的事情,然后选出必须做的和浪费时间的事情。Second,after the first step, what we should do is choosing the correct time. As thesaying goes, “to choose time is to save time”. For one thing, we have to knowand understand that which period we have more efficiency and have better qualityin work or study so that we know how to make our schedule. For another, it isbetter to do the most important and urgent thing first in that we barely haveenough time to finish all task within a day.第二,在第一步之后我们要做的就是选择正确的时间。常言道,“选择时间就是节省时间。”首先,我们必须了解在工作或学习中哪个时间段我们的效率更高,质量更好,这样我们就可以知道如何安排我们的时间。另一方面,最好先做最重要和紧急的事情,因为我们没有充足的时间能在一天内完成所有的任务。but not the least, it is valuable to take full advantage of our leisure time tinypieces of time. For example, we can do some reading when we are waiting for abus, or we can practice our listening on our way to school.最后但并非最不重要的是充分利用我们琐碎的闲暇时间是有价值的。例如,在我们等公车的时候我们可以做一些阅读,或者在去学校路上时我们可以练习听力。sum up, time, like water in sponge, can be squeezed out if we like. Therefore,take full use of our time in that it is essential to lead a full and happylife.总之,时间就像海绵里的水,如果我们想是可以挤出来的。因此,充分利用我们的时间!因为这是充满快乐的生活必不可少的。




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