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2020-11-06 12:05:01

Oncewhen sixyears old, magnificentpicture book,calledTrue Stories from Nature, about primevalforest. boaconstrictor animal.Here said:Boa constrictors swallow preywhole, without chewing sleepthrough sixmonths pondereddeeply, aftersome work coloredpencil makingmy first drowing,My Drawing Number One. lookedlike showedmy masterpiece askedthem whether drawingfrightened them. answered:Frighten?Why should any one Mydrawing boaconstrictor digesting grown upswere madeanother drawing: boaconstrictor,so grown upscould see alwaysneed havethings explained. My Drawing Number Two looked like grown upsresponse,this time, layaside my drawing boaconstrictors,whether from devotemyself instead geography,history, arithmetic gaveup what might have been magnificentcareer hadbeen disheartened myDrawing Number One myDrawing Number Two. Grown ups never understand anything sitiresome foreverexplaining things choseanother profession, pilotairplanes. haveflown littleover all parts geographyhas been very useful candistinguish China from Arizona. onegets lost night,suchknowledge havehad greatmany encounters greatmany people who have been concerned havelived greatdeal among grown ups. haveseen them intimately, close hasn tmuch improved my opinion WheneverImet one themwho seemed allclearsighted, showinghim my Drowing Number One. which havealways kept. wouldtry findout, so, trueunderstanding. she,would always say: wouldnever talkto peopleabout boa constrictors, primevalforest, wouldbring myself down hislevel. wouldtalk himabout bridge, grown upswould greatlypleased havemet sensibleman. LittlePrince alienchildren verysmall planet, onlyone him, he has takecare planet,he littleprince, grownup, he went otherplanets travel, has encountered all sorts peoplealiens。 Finally he came authorencountered diedhere book,adults should yourheart LittlePrince has pureheart richimagination. littleprince left his planet, road,when Kingwould just like controlall rational, likeus? Especially when teacher,like otherpeople, because order otherpeople can find themselves high up above king,others only obeys. secondencounter peoplewho love admiredhim, praise him anything except hear, fact,we ourselves do praisehimself, we do carriedaway wecan easily become conceited person, alsoeasy businessman,even lightlamps thinkthose people ourportrayal realworld, love wouldlike possession,finally left LittlePrince familybook, canfeel whomfame modernday busy round, deepimpact youngergeneration, small Prince did understandwhy adults want Likeall children have samedo know.So felt,how many more randomperfunctory, more children learnabout ideas,interests, rather than restraint. amprince from earlyage learnedone thing, reallyimportant things, invisible.Really important things world,whether he difficulties,even hardships. Different people may have different ways them.After reading LittlePrincess, amdeeply impressed LittlePrincess FrancesHodgson Burnett, famousnovelist dramatist.Sara, richfamily. bettereducation, her father took her fromIndia Londonso shecould go bestschool. Because Sara kind hearted,generous all—rich,she everyone.All went well until her father died Everythingchanged completely. She didn’t understand why classmatestreated her so badly. Even principalwho used her,made her work 16 hours day.Sara’s miserable life began... finishedreading unimaginablepain Sara had suffered after her father’s death. She used happy,worriless, richPrincess, nowshe poorservant. She had workvery hard without any rest onlyhad little food. Besides she had evenrude ways herclassmates treated her. All teachers schoollooked down upon her. mostimportant fact Sarahad lost herparents. mightypain! youwere Sara, could you stand pain?Needless 11years old girl, even adult,he might putup mysurprise, Sara faced bravely.Despite allthose pressures above, she still optimistictowards life. feltinspired thinkmuch. When we meet difficulties,what should we do? Some people always complain them.Some people can’t sustain giveup. Few themeven try commitsuicide because Sara—aneleven years old girl who can treat optimisticspirit, people’sperformances soundedso lamentable. Why can’t However,what impress me most hercharacteristics her“being realprincess.” “realprincess” does meanluxury palaces, beautiful clothes others’eyes, beingkind, generous havinggood manners. realprincess” shemust realprincess myheart all time,whether she worebeautiful clothes attic,just because she had goodcharacters kindheart. storywent Sara’sfather found her toldher herfather left greatsum everygood person worlddeserve goodresult. So does Sara. fairytalewhose distribution volume onlysecond beentranslated manyother languages. somethingspecial, something really great about droveme firstbeginning. Well, duerespect seehow ourattention, despite manyreaders claimed well acknowledgedbook, mustpossess unique feature unknownman says. talkabout maincontents bookmainly tells us princefrom tinyplanet, who traveled manyother planets finallycame pilotbecame good friends, pilotgradually got hisfriend. Before he came earth,little prince had been planetswhere he made acquaintance somestrange people. firstman he met littleplanet, yet he claimed ridiculouslyjustified his unshakable governance over all. secondperson vanity,who enjoyed compliments anyform without considering whether thirdperson alcoholicwho tried he’saddicted drinkinglike fourthperson abosolutemoney oriented businessman, who cared nothing hisfortune. Next came lamp lighterwho performed his duty blindly. lastone geographerwho knew too much about geography realproblem related sixpeople each represented one kind personlike us. authorsatirized people conceit,emptiness, fakeness, innocence blindnessthrough seeeye lonelinesscan connectsthem. People careabout each other, cherish what’s really important they’vegained. We all believe knowledge experienceenable us seeclearly make10 right judgements all wemay sometimes lose speakstraighforwardly, think creatively lovecourageously resulting from what we’ve experienced. ourmiddle school textbooks, littlekid mum,he ain’t were anything”. goodboy who went home timeafter school didhis homework nevertried anything without mom’s permission. goodman, heard.Sometimes when thinkabout my childhood, care freelife came back wereyesterday. Kids onceaccompanied me during my childhood now become fathers myselfam more.Thinking about all thingshave made me moody. There’re changes happening ourlives whether we happyabout Peopletold me life journeywhich neverstop once started.What’s left behind sorrow,pride shame,success goodold time sadhours remindsus 11pain. Your feeling makes them real, youknow you lived. sayingsome positive words eachyestersday used eachtoday yesterday,so making bestway cherishyour lives. Our mortal beings sad,instead, death ourlives. After all, we’ve lived our lives whatwe do howwe think determinewho we



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