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2020-11-07 20:05:01

To friends introduce the reading books week想朋友介绍读书周 Reading books week arranged the every week friday.读书周被安排在每个星期的周五.And drink a cup of coffee and some milk,tea,and some cookies.并且,可以喝一杯咖啡喝一些牛奶茶水还有吃一些饼干.You can have a seat and read the whole afternoon.你可以做下来看一个下午的书.You can read your interested in the books,and you can have a talk your reading for one or two hours in the evening.你可以读一些你所感兴趣的书,并且晚上和你的朋友们讨论一两个小时.We are apart to the group,the frist team is the about love group,talk about when you read some love story,we can share.我们将会把小组分开来,第一队是关于爱情的小组,谈论当你读一些爱情故事,我们会有所分享.Second team is about the magazines group,when you read some magazine,you can have a talk.第二队是关于杂志的小组,当你读一些杂志时,你可以讨论一下.Third is about the art books,when you read some introduce some art story,you can have a talk.第三个小组是关于艺术的讨论,当你读一些你所感兴趣的艺术故事,你可以讨论一下.Fouth is about the history books team.第四个小组是关于历史书的小组.The fifth team is about the music team.第五个小组是关于音乐的小组.The sixth team is about the geography group.第六个小组是关于地理的小组.The seventh group is the literature work group.第七个小组是关于文学的小组.So many group,which group do you like it,join us,you will to be a have a wide range of knowledge person.那么,那么多的小组,你喜欢哪一个呢?加入我们,你将会成为一个睿智的人.



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