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求一篇以保护环境为话题的英语演讲稿200字即可 或者是以保护野生动物为话题 个

2020-11-09 15:00:01

Environment ProtectionOur planet now have a population of over 6 billions already,everyday we produce large amount of trash all over the world.It is a big issue how we deal with these trash.If we leave trash anywhere we want,it will cause great damage to our earth,like polluting our water system beneth the shell of earth,poisoning any animals that drink this kind of water.So its important to deal with the trash properly.So,to help this,we can classify the rubbish by separating those can be cycled and those cannot.We are able to make use of cycled trash by collecting them,and get rid of others by burning,detoxify those trash that are poisoning and then bury them underground.Lets make our planet more clean.

求一篇以保护环境为话题的英语演讲稿200字即可 或者是以保护野生动物为话题 个人认为这俩话题比较好 请回答者自行考虑 或者是其他话题都可以.一定要!.不要的.希望各位帮个忙作业帮



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