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2020-11-12 14:55:01

Busy Day 忙碌的一天

Busy day at school today 今天上学可真够忙

Maths in the morning 早晨上数学

But not for me 而我却没有

I was called away 我的心思去了远方

Captain of a schooner me 成了一名威风凛凛的船长

A pirate in scarlet and black 一个身着黑红衣衫的海盗

A deep scar running down 一条深深的伤疤

The side of my face 沿着我的脸侧挂下来

A kiss from a shark! 那是鲨鱼之吻!

Busy day at school today 今天上学可真够忙

Science after maths 数学之后是自然科学

But not for me 而我却没有

I was called away 我的心思去了远方

James Bond caught a bad cold 007 詹姆斯·邦德感冒了

And I stepped in to save the planet 于是我代替他来拯救世界

Worked out the gadgets and leapt off 配备最新式的武器

Cliffs and skied down mountains 我从悬崖上跳下,从高山上滑下

Before speeding off in my Aston Martin! 然后驾着我的阿斯顿·马丁疾驰而去!

Busy day at school today 今天上学可真够忙

SATS tests to do 考了一回SATS

But not for me 而我却没有

I was the new number 9 for Liverpool 我成了利物浦队的9号新球员

Making my debut playing up front with Owen 初次亮相便和欧文踢前锋

With Gerrard and Murphy supplying 杰拉德和墨菲接应

And with only seconds to go I SCORE! 还剩几秒钟的时候我射门得分!

Houlliers Golden Boy but whats best 我是霍利尔的金童子,更棒的是

The Kop sing my name, 利物浦队的球迷唱着我的名字,

Local boy hero ... 球队小英雄… …

Busy day at school today 今天上学可真够忙

History all afternoon 一下午都是历史课

But not for me 而我却没有

I was called way 我的心思去了远方

Gangster robbin banks 我成了打劫银行的黑手党

In me Italian suit well smart 意大利西装穿在身上多神气

And no one messes with me 没人敢惹我

Or they sleep with the dishes!否则我就拿他们去喂角!

Or is it fishes? 还是喂鱼来着?




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