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2020-11-15 05:25:01

雅思写作分为小作文Task1(150字)与大作文Task 2(250字),小作文主要考核学生综合能力与分析能力,大作文主要考核学生观点表达与辨证思维


1. Pie chart 饼状图

2.Line graph 曲线图

3.Bar chart 柱状图

4.Table 表格

5.Combination 混合图表

6.Map diagram 地图题

7.Flow chart 流程图


雅思写作小作文——Writing Task I

由于每个月的四次考试中总会涉及到line graph,今天我们就来讲一讲line graph题怎么写, Line graph是典型的动态图,需要掌握以下词汇:

上升:go up increase rise grow 下降:decline decrease drop fall

波动:fluctuate 平稳remain stable (steady ) at

经历某种变化:see experience witness(例:see an upward trend/experience a sharp increase)

达到最高点:peak at/reach its highest level at 落到最低点:fall to its lowest point /level at

急剧:Sharp rapid dramatic steep 显著大幅:Noticeable significant Considerable substantial

小幅:slight 持续:gradual continuous consistent


例:The graph below shows the number of people at a London underground station from 6:00 to 22:00. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

1. It is clear from the line graph that the number of people using this station fluctuates significantly over the 16 hours.第一句话请注意一定要把主语交代清楚,不能只说the number of….

2. At 6am the number of people in the station stands at 100. 起点用stand at表示位于

3. Then the figure rises dramatically over the next 2 hours, peaking at 400. 动态图请注意用then等连接手段

4. After that, the figure drops rapidly, reaching 180 at 10 am. 请注意用After that这个连接手段

5. The period between 10 o’clock and 12 o’clock experiences a slight rise in the number of people in the station, with the number reaching 280 at midday. 主语不仅可以用数值,也可用一段时间

6. The figure remains stable at just under 300 people over the following 2 hours. Following可改成 next

7. After that, the number of people in the station plunges to its lowest point of 90 by 4pm. 急剧跌落

8. The next 2 hours sees a sharp rise, with the number of people reaching 380 at 6am.

9. After 6 pm, the figure falls again.

10. the period from 8 pm to 10 pm experiences a slight rise, but finally the number of people in the station declines again, ending at 135 at 10pm. 结尾点一定要写

注意line graph当中的main features:起点、终点、最高点、最低点。线图的分段按照线的种类来分:几条线或者几种线就分几段。

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  1. 2022-08-20 06:01悹尐嬋[江苏省网友]IP:3405866512
  2. 2020-12-21 15:42Mary_o[吉林省网友]IP:1744385472


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