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2020-12-03 04:35:01

四级翻译真题+答案出炉!把灯笼(Lantern)译成red LED和denglong,剪纸(paper cutting)只写了cutting,lion译成tiger的,是不是你!


翻译 1 灯笼


Lanterns originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty and were originally mainly used for lighting. During the Tang Dynasty, people used lanterns to celebrate peaceful life, and lanterns had become popular in many parts of China since then. Lanterns are usually made of thin paper with bright colors and different shapes and sizes. In traditional Chinese culture, red lanterns symbolize a happy life and prosperous business. They are usually hung during festivals such as the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival and the National Day. Nowadays, red lanterns can also be seen in many other parts of the world.

翻译 2 剪纸

剪纸是中国民间艺术的一种独特形式,已有 2000 多年历史。剪纸很可能源于汉代,继纸张发明之后。从此,它在中国的许多地方得到了普及。剪纸用的材料和工具很简单:纸和剪刀。剪纸作品通常是用红纸做成的,因为红色在中国传统文化中与幸福相联。因此,在婚礼、春节等喜庆场合,红颜色的剪纸是门窗装饰的首选。

With a history of more than 2000 years, Paper cutting has been a special form of Chinese traditional folk Art. It might be originated in Han Dynasty, following the invention of paper. Paper cutting has been popularized in many areas of China since then. The materials and tools for paper cutting are simple: paper and scissors. The works of paper cutting was made of red paper, because red color is linked to happiness in traditional Chinese culture. Therefore, red color is the primary choice for decoration of doors and windows in festival occasions such as wedding ceremony, the Spring Festival and so on.

翻译 3 舞狮

舞狮作为中国传统民间表演已有 2000 多年历史。在狮子舞中,两位表演者同披一件狮子服,一个舞动头部,另一个舞动身体和尾巴。他们熟练配合,模仿狮子的各种动作。狮子是兽中之王,象征幸福和好运,所以人们通常在春节和其他节日期间表演狮子舞。狮子舞也可能出现在其他重要场合。如商店开业和结婚典礼,往往吸引许多人观赏。

With a history of more than 2000 years, Lion Dance has been a Chinese traditional folk Art. During the dance, the two performers wear one lion uniform with one waving the head and the other controlling the body and the tail. The two performers cooperate perfectly to imitate the various actions of the lion. As the king of the beasts, the lion symbolizes happiness and good fortune, so we usually perform the Lion Dance during the Spring Festival and other festivals. It might appear on other significant occasions such as business opening and wedding ceremony, which attracts many people to watch.

你一定发现了对不对,originated in, popularize、symbolize、wedding ceremony、Spring Festival等多次出现,这些常考的名词和搭配一定要牢记。




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