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2020-12-08 19:10:01


1. The grass is always greener 总是羡慕别人、这山望著那山高

You shouldn’t be jealous of what other people may have, because they could also be looking at what you have and feeling jealous as well. 别羡慕别人拥有的,因为他们可能也在意你有的。

2. Don’t judge a book by its cover 勿只凭外表判断、勿以貌取人

The proverb tells us to not judge someone by their appearance or the way they dress or just generally how they look or act. 这个谚语告诉我们,别从一个人的外表、穿著打扮或行为来判断他。

3. When in Rome, do as the Romans do 入乡随俗

It means that when you travel you need to adapt to the culture, whether that’s covering your skin or adapting to their meal times. 这代表当你旅游时,最好适应当地的文化,不论是遮蔽身体或是当地的用餐时间。

4. Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧

The more you practice the closer you are to achieving perfection, and the same goes for your English. 你练得越多,你就越接近完美的境界,同样地英文也是。

5. Where there’s a will, there’s a way 有志者,事竟成

Every time I come across a problem, whether it be with filming, lighting, editing, noise, a lot of obstacles in my way I always say to myself where there’s a will, there’s a way. 每次我遇到困难时,不论是拍摄、灯光、编辑或处理噪音等等。眼前的障碍不断出现时,我总告诉自己有志者,事竟成。




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