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2020-12-15 00:10:02


春节过完了,接着就是团团圆圆的元宵节。元宵节从何而得名呢, 在这里给大家科普一点儿小知识,元宵节是正月之后的第一个重要节日,正月是农历的元月,古人称夜为“宵”,所以把一年中第一个月圆之夜正月十五称为元宵节。元宵节,肯定是要吃元宵了, 今天我们就来结合这道雅思口语新题 “Describe a kind of food people eat during the special event.” 来学习如何描述吧!

Describe a kind of food people eat during a special event.

You should say:

What it is

What event people usually eat it

How it is cooked or made

And explain why it is for the special event.


The Lantern Festival or the Spring Lantern Festival is a Chinese festival celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month in the lunar calender. It marks the final day of the traditional Chinese new year celebrations, traditionally we would eat glutinous rice balls, which are a popular Chinese dessert made from glutinous rice flour mixed with a small amount of water to form balls and either cooked and served in boiling water with fermented glutinous rice or deep fried.

Tangyuan can be either small or large, unfilled or filled with red beans, sesame, peanut, and other sweet fillings that ooze out from the mochi-like dumpling skins. The dumpling skins owe their pleasantly gummy texture to glutinous rice flour which produces a chewy dough. Unlike in ancient times, these glutinous rice balls can be easily grabbed at any time point and everywhere these days. But, I’ve always believed that life should have some sense of ritual, and to eat glutinous rice ball symbolizes family reunion.


1. glutinous rice ball 汤圆,元宵

2. ferment v. 发酵

3. ooze out渗出,流出

4. chewy dough很有嚼劲儿的面团

5. ritual n. 仪式




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