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2021-01-03 16:15:01

Hello there!

大家好!今天是我和大家趣聊英文的的第11天,the 11th day,很多朋友都在坚持阅读学习,I’m sure you’re going to make it soon.你们英语的摩天大楼正在一砖一瓦中慢慢地矗立起来!I’m soooo proud of you!

最近有同学问我介词到底是什么?今天和大家说得清楚一点~ Let me make it clear.

介词的英文是prepositions,缩写为prep. 介词一般用于名词和代词前,表示该词与句子其他成分的关系,比如:Jerry is in the classroom. in这个介词把Jerry和classroom联系了起来,说明了Jerry的位置。介词后如果出现动词,动词要加ing,如果出现人称代词,要用宾格,这两点每个同学必须要清清楚楚!举例:Thank you for teaching us English. 感谢你教我们英语。 /Don’t worry about us.We’re studying hard now. 别担心我们,我们正努力学呢。See?

介词在句中一般不做任何成分,可以分成简单代词(in,on,at,about...)和介词短语(in front of,because of...)等,也可以分成时间介词、方位介词等。

接下来,给大家总结一下我们之前学过的一些重要的介词用法和搭配,好好感受一下介词的灵活,不懂的一定要查资料或问我,A lazy man can never accomplish anything.懒惰的人将一事无成。我们都不想成为这样的人,是不?

1. about what about/how about/think about

2. after after class/after dinner/after work/look after

3. at at school/at home/at work/at the party/at the airport/at three o’clock/call me at.../e-mail me at.../be good at/look at/at night/at this moment/

4. for thanks for/thank you for your help/for us/for boys/for breakfast/lunch/dinner/for two hours/ask for/look for/wait for/be late for/get ready for/leave for

5. frombe from the USA/from here to there/from A to Z/from my school

from 12:oo to 1:oo/from Monday to Friday/from me/hear from

What do you want from me? 你想干什么? 英文电影中常听到

6. inin the morning/afternoon/evening/in the day/in the middle of/in the box/in your bedroom/in white/in China/in December/in winter/in my family/in 2019/in the photo/in English/do well in/lie in the sun/stand in line/in the west

7. of a photo of my family/the name of my dog/take care of it/a pair of

8. onon the table/on you head/on Saturday/on January 5th/on New Year’s Day/on TV/on the morning of May 1st,2008/on foot/get on/put on/turn on/try on/on the tree

9. withplay with our friends/a man with an umbrella/help sb with sth/Who’s the boy with big eyes?

备注:in the day 意思是在白天;at work 在工作;a photo of my family也可以说成my family photo;hear from sb 意思是收到某人的来信;in the west 意思是在西方(国家);look after 照顾,照看,take care of 也有此意,但后者意思要多很多;on the morning of May 1st,2008 这个on的用法考试中不能再错了。


2020真的很难,我们一起努力,没有到不了的明天!大家加油!中国加油!Bye for now!



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